Fauci Unintentionally Gives the Nation the Best Reason to Vote Trump in 2024


Dr. Anthony Fauci’s latest attack on Trump will likely backfire just like “Ultra MAGA” did for Joe Biden.

Fauci made a CNN appearance on Sunday and stated that he will not be the White House chief medical advisor if Trump is back in the Oval Office.

This is arguably irrelevant because Trump would not fire him. Dr. Fauci is responsible for the nation’s COVID-19 response. His repeated contradictions, deceptions, and misinformation have led to Americans losing faith in their health institutions.

Fauci, for example, was told COVID-19 could have been engineered. However, he insisted for more than a year that COVID-19 came from nature. Fauci also lied about funding Wuhan’s gain-of-function research and herd immunity. He also advocated universal masking, despite the fact that they are ineffective against COVID. This was despite the fact that data has shown that the virus is primarily a threat to the elderly and those with severe illness or death.

We also found out that Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), Fauci’s division, funded cruel and unnecessary experiments on beagle pups. Some puppies were given experimental drugs and then killed.

Americans have become less friendly towards Fauci over the years. After more than two years of “15 Days to Slow the Spread”, I think people are tired of it.

Fauci was once considered the most trustworthy public official in the area of the pandemic. We all had faith in Fauci from the very beginning. My first impression of Fauci was when Andrew Cuomo praised New York’s response to the pandemic.

Fauci claiming he will bail if Trump returns is all the more reason to vote for Trump.