Judicial Showdown: Judge Cannon Rejects Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Bid for Trump Gag Order


Jack Smith, a Special Counsel for the Trump case in which he is suing Donald Trump over classified documents, requested that the judge who oversees the case issue a gag to stop the former president from criticizing the proceedings. Smith, like Manhattan District Attorney Alivin Brgg, who is prosecuting Trump for business records, is afraid that the GOP’s presumptive candidate might speak his mind.

Judge AileenCannon dismissed Smith’s petition on Monday, calling it “completely lacking in substance and professionalism.”


Cannon did not only refuse to silence Trump but also threatened to punish Smith if Smith continued to step outside the line. She wrote that sanctions could be imposed if Smith did not comply with the requirements.

Smith made many unforced mistakes in the case and it now appears unlikely that proceedings would conclude before November’s presidential election.

Smith has suffered a major setback, and it is another blow to the many prosecutors who are trying to influence the election by launching countless–mostly unfounded–lawfare assaults on the former President. Many pundits think that Bragg’s prosecution in the above case was absurd. In Manhattan, closing argument is underway. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Wilis’ case has been dragged through the mud due to her own ethical scandals.

The classified documents case was, for many, the “smoking gun”, the clear winner, and the real deal to “get” Trump. While the former president’s poll numbers continue to rise, it is time for Merrick Garland and Jack Smith to find some crow to eat for lunch.