Meltdown on ‘The View’: Hosts Blame ‘Uneducated White Women’ for Trump’s Landslide Victory


You should have known it was coming.


You know if you are familiar with ABC’s “The View” and its hosts, Sunny Hostin and Joy Behar and Alyssa Griffin and Ana Navarro. They could not be more afflicted by Trump Derangement Syndrome if that was their intention.


After Donald Trump, the now-President elect, blew out Vice President Kamalah Harris on Tuesday, you knew that Wednesday’s hilarious episode of ABC’s show would be a must-watch.


And then some.


Sunny Hostin, “profoundly upset” warned about “internment camp” and the upcoming loss of black women’s civil rights.


There are also the “uneducated women” who are responsible for Kamala’s beatdown.



The ladies don’t understand it, and never will.


Whoopi, Whoopi’s show moderator, began dryly: “So what happened last evening?” Does anyone do anything interesting?


Behar was the first to give her opinion.


My conclusion is that this system works. We live in a democratic country. People spoke. I vehemently oppose the decision made by Americans, but feel very, hopeful that we still have a democratic system in our country. We should cherish it, love it, and protest when the time comes, which will come. Nixon went through the same thing. It has been a very hard road, but we are so lucky to have such a wonderful country. If we can keep it.


Translation: “The System works, but this time I strongly disagree with the way it worked.” Just like with Richard Nixon, we’ll protest whenever Trump does anything we don’t approve of. “We have to fight conservatives to save our country.”


Sunny Hostin’s ‘Profoundly Disturbed’ didn’t disappoint


Hostin, the racist extraordinaire, did exactly as predicted and more.


I’m deeply disturbed I don’t think we knew what to expect from a Trump Administration in 2016, but we do now. We know he’ll have unrestrained power.


I am not worried for myself or about my position in life. I am worried for the working class. I am worried about my retired teacher’s mother.


I am worried about the elderly, their health, and Social Security. I am worried about the future of my children, particularly my daughter. She has fewer rights than me.


My father told me for many years that I would be the first in his family to have full civil rights. Now I have fewer civil rights than when he said that.


I could refute every false claim Hostin has made with facts and Trump’s promises for a second term.



You could, too, I think. Let’s move on and not waste time.


Hostin also expressed her deep concern that the Democrats’ grand plan to remove Trump via the 14th Amendment, which was a lawfare strategy, failed spectacularly.


I am deeply disturbed that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution does not prevent someone who has participated in an insurrection in the United States from becoming president.


I believe that the box stating “convicted felon” on job applications should be removed because if someone can be the president of the United States, they shouldn’t be barred from working in this country.


Sunny has been a hit on the TV show.


Whoopi finds a way to praise Kamala’s disastrous campaign


It was comedy gold.


Consider this. This was done in just two months by [Harris]. Everyone can say that she should’ve done this or she should’ve done that. She was everywhere and talked to everyone, but people did not come out. I don’t understand why, and it’s not important. “… I won’t say his name.


Whoopi, do you feel OK?



It’s true that Donald Trump’s historic victory and the freedom-loving Americans were able to eclipse Kamala Khanna’s “flawless” campaign.


That’s it.




The Trump-hating ladies, as I said at the top of the article, have proven that they don’t understand — and never will.


Instead of focusing on the main issues that voters were most concerned about in this election – the continuing influx of illegal immigrants into the country, and the economy – they accused voters of being too stupid to realize that Kamala Harris’ radical policies and views were the real issue.


Who’s the “stupid one” in this case?