6 Degenerate NYC Thugs Snatch 400 Bullet-proof Vests Meant for Ukraine


It’s impossible to walk down a street in NYC without seeing the ubiquitous Ukrainian Flag, especially in Manhattan’s East Village. One thing you won’t see is a bulletproof vest for Ukrainian soldiers. They were “re-distributed”.

Six thieves broke into the offices of The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (203 2nd Ave., New York City) and stole more than 400 bulletproof vests intended to be sent to the Ukrainian soldiers fighting Russia.

The vests were donated by several law enforcement agencies a few months back. They were stored in the offices until they could reach Ukraine.

Six degenerates were captured by security cameras loading garbage bags with vests into three cars. All of them escaped to Brooklyn. As they pulled off their heist, many of the pillagers smiled.

The thieves entered the offices at 2 p.m. and started loading the vests into cars. Police released photos of the burglars to try and break into the case. Only one of the boneheads managed to hide his face, and it was a lucky escape. Four of them smiled for the camera.

Although 450 vests were donated by the Long Island Suffolk County Sheriff to the Ukraine war effort, no one knows if they were the same vests that were purloined.

Vicki DiStefano, Suffolk County Sheriff’s spokesperson, said that it was a shameful act to break into a building in order to steal materials and supplies intended to help those affected by the humanitarian crisis.

The New York Police Department. The New York Police Department (NYPD), is seeking the public’s assistance. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS if you see any of these criminals.