New Study: America’s Faith in God Is at an All-Time Low


While the United States may be considered a nation that is under God’s protection it does not always recognize God’s power over it.

A Gallup poll found that Americans believe less in God now than at any point during the past 78 years.

In 1944 98% of believers identified themselves as believers.

Faith saw a drop in 2011 with only 92 percent of respondents saying “yes”.

Two years later, the number had dropped five points. It steadied through 2017, the last time Gallup surveyed the country.

And now, in 2022 — some might say a more difficult year than many since the mid-twentieth century — only 81 percent of the nation’s populace subscribe to the existence of a higher power.

Expect the details to be as precise as possible:

The greatest drop in belief in God has occurred in recent years among young adults and people on the left of the political spectrum (liberals, Democrats).

While other key groups have experienced a slight drop in their numbers, conservatives and married adults have not seen much change.

The groups with the largest declines are also the groups that are currently least likely to believe in God, including liberals (62 percent), young adults (68%), and Democrats (72%). Belief in God is highest among political conservatives (94%) and Republicans (92%), reflecting that religiosity is a major determinant of political divisions in the U.S.

Why are we able to believe instead of losing faith? The signs around us suggest that we believe in ourselves. Our new morality claims that we have the greatest faith and that it is also the most righteous.

Unfortunately, it is false. Great love is one that “lays down his life for his friend.”

We were also once instructed to “do the same to others as we would like them to do unto us. ”

In both cases, virtue was defined by one’s treatment of and consideration of those around them. Such was a moral law, but perhaps those can only exist if there is a God.

In the absence of God and of law, we may then focus wholly on ourselves. And in that case, we are each a god. Such appears to be a popular pursuit — contemporary righteousness calls us to be “empowered.”

How is our empowerment working out? According to cultural cues, it would seem not well –we are empowered, only so long as everyone tells us so. Any refusal to confirm our strength causes “harm” and must be stopped.

If we keep doing what we can to stay in power, then we don’t stand a chance.

Gallup provides more information on this topic:

The follow-up questions to the survey probed deeper into Americans’ faith in God. This question specifically asked whether God hears or intervenes in prayers.

About half of those who believe in God — equal to 42% of all Americans — say God hears prayers and can intervene on a person’s behalf. Meanwhile, 28% of all Americans say God hears prayers but cannot intervene, while 11% think God does neither.

Nearly three-quarters of the most religious Americans, defined as those who attend religious services every week, say they believe God hears prayers and can intervene, as do slightly more than half of conservatives and Republicans, as well as 25% of liberals and 32% of Democrats.

30% of young adults believe God hears prayers and can intervene.

Where is America headed? Our youth will lead us wherever we go. Without the help of a recognized Creator, we will be alone, without the guidance and love of our great creator. Parents, please teach your children about God, because it is crucial that we keep the faith. I would hate to even imagine a world without God, much less live in one.