Biden Appears to Promise No More Drilling When Climate Change Protester Confronts Him About Oil Drilling


A climate protester challenged Joe Biden at a New York Governor’s campaign event. President Joe Biden stated that no drilling would take place on Sunday. Kathy Hochul, (D).

What did Biden say?

Biden clearly was upset by a heckler’s criticism of him not stopping offshore oil drilling towards its end.

Biden stated, “No more drilling.” “I haven’t done any drilling. ”

Protesters shouted back, “There are only five more years of offshore drilling.” “Not in the Atlantic or the Pacific, but in Antarctica off the Gulf of Mexico. ”

Biden told the heckler that these leases were in place “before” he was elected president and that “we are working on that and getting it done.” It is unclear what Biden meant but it seems like he was implying that his administration wanted offshore drilling to be stopped. This would not only have a negative effect on American oil production but also increase our dependence on foreign energy.

The Washington Examiner reported, that Biden had actually spoken to the woman after the event.

What is the significance?

Biden’s admission came just two days before nationwide voting begins.

Democrats won’t be able to promise significant cuts in American oil production in an election in which voters repeatedly say that the economy matters most, especially considering the high inflation rate and high gas prices.

Even worse, Biden had already come under fire for his energy policies after he promised that all U.S. coal plants would be closed down.

Biden said that wind-generated electricity would be called “so it’s going” on Friday. The same transmission lines used for coal-fired electricity are being used by them to save a lot.

Biden stated, “We’re closing these plants down across America. We’re going to have wind power and solar energy.”

The White House later claimed that Biden’s comments had been “twisted to suggest an inadvertent meaning” but Senator Joe Manchin (D.W.Va.) didn’t believe it.

Manchin responded with a statement that “President Biden’s comments aren’t just outrageous and disconnected from real life. They fail to recognize the economic pain the American people are experiencing due to rising fuel prices. ”

He said that Americans are losing trust in President Biden because of comments like this. He believes that he does not understand the need for an all-in strategy to keep the nation’s energy independent and secure.