Stanford Is Rolling in Chinese Funding but the Students Could Save It From Itself


Stanford students are voicing their concerns about the amount of money that Chinese universities have given to U.S. colleges since 2011. According to The Free Beacon, the Chinese Communist Party gave more than $426 millions in grants.

The Free Beacon report on Stanford describes a university “addicted” to funding from China.

According to the Education Department’s latest reporting database, 42 donations were made between 2021 and early 2022.

The opacity of this funding–and the millions of dollars China hands out to a range of prominent U.S. universities–could place Stanford in Congress’s crosshairs as the Republican-controlled House ramps up investigations into Chinese influence-peddling. Stanford University isn’t the only one raking cash in from China. The University of Delaware which houses the Biden institute has received more than $6,000,000 from China since 2017. According to sources speaking to the Free Beacon, the House Select Committee on China may investigate the Chinese Communist Party’s provision of over $426 million in funding to U.S. Universities since 2011.

Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind. A member of the House Select Committee on China told the Free Beacon the amount of Chinese funding to American schools had skyrocketed during the Biden administration, because the administration ceased to enforce a federal code that governs how gifts and donations from abroad are reported.

Stanford, one the nation’s most prestigious research universities, has earned a reputation for being oppressively liberal in recent years, and eager to suppress free speech and diversity. Stanford students have been embarrassingly sophomoric in recent years, and have harrassed U.S. Circuit Judge S. Kyle Duncan with the assistance of Associate Dean for Diversity Equity and Inclusion Tirien Stelbach.

It’s difficult to tell you this as a human being. Steinbach said that it was uncomfortable to tell people who were present at the Stanford chapter of the Federalist Society, “Your work has hurt many here.”

This event is tearing apart the fabric of my community. She yelled, “I’m here for you.” For many law students, faculty, and staff, their opinions on the bench are a total disenfranchisement.

Couple this behavior with an influx of foreign funding coming from hostile nations and you have a once-vaunted organization that could be a danger to civility and even to national security.

A new student group is trying to restore the liberal arts education to its original purpose: to promote learning, friendship, and, most importantly, to have fun. Details are available in A Substack named Pirate Wires.

After winning a landslide election on a platform of “Fun Strikes Back”, a group of new executives will take over the Stanford Student Government — the Associated Students of Stanford University. Sophia Danielpour, who had no prior experience in student government, and Kyle Haslett ran a campaign aimed at reviving the campus social scene. They won with a margin 674 votes or almost 20 percent of electorate.

The two student leaders, who have no prior experience in student government, had a simple platform which, surprisingly and apparently, resonated well with their cohort.

Danielpour and Haslett, in the lead-up to the elections, put together a petition online that garnered 490 signatures.

Stanford is no longer the Stanford it used to be. Stanford’s character has been stripped by administrators who have interfered with every aspect of the student experience. They disrupted Stanford’s organic, wacky and inclusive spontaneity.

Students find it extremely difficult to plan an event because of the complex policies and administrative barriers. Students are not given funding or locations for initiatives they care about. They are instead used for lifeless, uninspired neighborhood events which make a mockery out of student life.

Stanford now feels less inclusive than before. We all feel this. Stanford is not the place it should be.

In the Biden years, there are few things about which to be optimistic. Stanford’s student leadership bringing the university away from widespread and rancorous activism – even just a little bit – is a small light shining in the otherwise dark culture of progressive politics. You kids are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.