Pro-Palestinian Left Go Crazy Over Israeli Soldier’s Viral LGBTQ Pride Flag Photo in Gaza


Leftists are furious over an image that went viral this weekend, showing an Israeli soldier with two Pride flags holding them up in front of a war zone in the Gaza Strip. Yoav Atzmoni’s partner sent the flags for him to hold up in the photo to bring attention to Gaza’s hidden LGBTQ community.

The soldier carried two flags. The soldier held two flags. The soldier used the song title “In The Name Of Love” by U2 to respond to Arabs who wrote “Bismillah”, which is “In The Name Of God”, on their houses. The second flag was a standard Israeli flag draped in rainbow pride colors and placed in front of an Israeli tank. Bono performed the song at a U2 concert in Las Vegas, in October. He dedicated it to Israelis killed by Hamas.

The soldier wrote, “There is an internal message to Israel: that we carry obligations towards the state and must demand gay rights here — not necessarily to marry and start a family, but something more basic — the right to security as LGBTQ people, the right to respect, the right to be part of the national ethos, the right to be counted and recognized.”

It is not surprising that the LGBTQ lobby has co-opted every cause in order to promote its sexual fetish agendas. However, this poses a serious problem for the radical Left in the United States who have sided with Hamas.

The American left is obsessed with this terrorist group, and has even gone so far as holding protests for “Queers for Palestine.” They even shouted down a Jewish person who tried to explain the war by chanting “Queer Pride. Trans Pride.” We say no genocide!

As Israeli soldier Yoav Azmoni pointed out, the irony of these protests is that, if LGBTQ protesters were to live in Palestine, under Hamas control, they would be likely beaten or stomped to death for their displays of hedonism. It’s not an exaggeration to say that they would be brutalized. A report last year of gay Palestinian Ahmad Abu Marhia, who was beheaded in the West Bank, made international headlines.

Lee Kern, an American screenwriter, reported the soldiers’ words and amplified them on his X/Twitter page. His largely American audience was divided on the war. Some pointed out that Israel has bombed the region and killed over 10,000 Palestinians, including many civilians. A certain percentage of those people had to be gay.

It’s entertaining to watch the leftists argue and try to justify why they support Hamas. This war could be the wedge that splits Democrats.