Biden Shows His True Colors With Vicious David Axelrod Crack


Politico has published a new report that takes aim at Joe Biden. It says he will not be able to govern and campaign like other incumbents in the past.

Jonathan Martin, a columnist for Politico, went further to show what a bad character Joe Biden is when challenged. We’ve seen this before, when he called voters “fat”, or threatened to drag them outside.

Martin revealed how Biden made a nasty crack about David Axelrod after Axelrod questioned whether Biden should be running again, whether it was wise and in the best interests of the country. Axelrod said Biden’s age was a huge issue.

Martin also pointed out how it also wasn’t helpful for Biden to deny the reality of his polling numbers to Fox’s Peter Doocy because he refuses delivery on anything critical of him.

A person who claims to have heard Biden call David Axelrod “a p —-,'” in private does not believe that this is a winning strategy for a 270 electoral vote. Martin wrote that repeating a PG-rated version of the same animus while litigating polling data with the White House Press Corps will not make Biden’s reelection more likely. [….]

Martin said that while Biden’s use of fundraisers to deny and complain about his problems, or to criticize the press, may be therapeutic, it does not make him more likely to defeat Trump again.

Biden has a very different approach to his campaigning. He denies the negatives, such as the polls which show Americans are disapproving of him.

Axelrod was also attacked by Biden’s staff.

“Sure, there are a million things you can criticize the administration about in any day. But on the whole, David Axelrod, you think Biden is doing a good job, but maybe keep your 10 percent opinion quiet when the 90 percent is he’s doing a good job,” the alum said. “Why do you have an innate ability to focus on the 10 percent?”

Watch how they completely miss it. He is trying to warn the people about how unhappy they are with Biden. But, they ignore this and want to paint over it. If you ignore it, even if the unhappiness was just “10%” (and there is a lot more than that), it could cost you an election.

They will lose if they continue to deny. It’s the denial of criticism that has affected Biden in so many ways. You can’t change or improve anything if you don’t listen to criticism. It’s because of his bad policies that he continues to fail.