Failed Bank Robbery: Venezuelan Illegal Foiled by Translator App Struggles in Ohio


This week, a suspected illegal immigrant from Venezuela attempted to rob a bank in Ohio. However, the heist failed after he couldn’t communicate what he desired.

Fox 8 reported that police have arrested Yeixon Brito Gonzalez, 20. They suspect that he’s in the country illegally. Customs and Border Patrol has placed a hold on the man.

Jared Oliver, Sandusky Police chief said: “We don’t know if he’s here legally or illegally.” “But he does not have proof of identification.”

The failed heist occurred on April 6th, around 11:15 a.m. when bank staff called the police to report that a man was entering the facility and attempting to get behind the desks.

The security footage shows the man trying to communicate with his phone, including removing money from the tills and putting it in a bag. The police arrived on the scene at this point and detained the man while explaining his rights to him in Spanish.

Oliver added, “I’ve been in law enforcement for over 20 years. This is the first instance I have encountered someone trying to rob a banking institution using a translation app.”

The suspect told the police that he lost his job recently and needed cash. He denied that he had attempted to rob a bank and instead insisted that he asked them to place money in his purse. Now he faces charges of attempted theft, criminal trespass, and attempted robbery.

The incident has added fuel to the fire regarding concerns over a rise in criminality due to individuals who entered the country illegally.

Richard K. Jones (another Ohio Sheriff representing Butler County) explained earlier this month how Joe Biden, the Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, were directly worsening things by maintaining an open frontier through which criminals who have been convicted can pass.

Jones said, “This is killing and destroying us. Everybody. We are all affected. It’s the same as 3300 counties across the United States multiplied by Butler County. These people don’t do anything [pointing at a photo of Biden, Mayorkas]. They’re the ones who are causing it.”

Jones also mentioned the case of Fermin Garca-Gutierrez. An illegal immigrant who was recently charged with murder, Garcia-Gutierrez had been deported seven times and returned to the country. Garcia-Gutierrez now faces up to 30 years in prison or the death penalty.