Are STD Influencers on Social Media Helping or Hurting?


In my youth, I remember the lectures in high school as well as the pamphlets and occasional talks in college on how to avoid STDs. Why? No sane individual wants an STD. It is not my job to tell you why anyone would want an STD. Now, they’re called Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). It’s possible that the word “disease”, which is a little unsettling to the new generation of Americans, is replaced by “infection”.

It doesn’t matter if you call them sexually-transmitted diseases, sexually-transmitted infections, or sexually-transmitted inconveniences. You should still avoid them. Failure to do so may result in health issues, blindness, deformity, or even death. In America’s bizarre, Daliesque final days, you can shout more than your abortion. You can also shout about your STD. “Say now and loudly: I am infected, and I’m proud!”

Natasha Biase reported in The Publica that the number of STD-related influencers on social media has been on the rise. On social media, there are many people who use Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to try to convince their viewers and followers that STDs such as HIV/AIDS are okay.

Martha Stewart said it best: “STIs.” They are good things.

The article quoted an Instagram posting from “queer”, sex therapist Casey Tanner.

STIs can be a result of sexual activity. Most people will experience one in their lifetime. STIs can affect people in a variety of ways, both physically and emotionally. The stigma attached to these infections is often the reason why we internalize a diagnosis emotionally.

How can you internalize the diagnosis of a particular disease? You seek medical help. That’s pretty clear-cut, I would say. It’s time to knock down the wall that forces people either to be cautious or, oh no! to abstain from anything that could potentially kill them. The patriarchy also seems to place unreasonable expectations on women’s health.

Darcy Rae, a writer from the United States, said that she learned to love her body after her herpes was diagnosed. She overcame her “years” of sex shame and conservative and religious ideas about sex. She went on to say:

It was hard to get rid of the mentality that I felt ‘dirty,’ just because I had an STI. I had to break up with everything society had taught me and myself. I read a lot about herpes, and I immersed myself in feminist material to empower myself when I felt like I couldn’t. Herpes made me appreciate my body more by allowing me to have a different relationship with sex.

A young man diagnosed with HIV has been blogging about his life with the disease, and how he made a blood pact with his friends. Someone responded by tweeting:

One young idiot tweeted: “Told my therapist that I attended a sex event over Pride Weekend, and he began lecturing me on STDs.” “Today’s session is our last!”

Yeah. When your nose falls off, let us know what you think.

It goes beyond celebrating someone’s sexuality. We are now told that we should also celebrate the negative outcomes of reckless behavior. We are asked to laud and lionize a generation so self-absorbed, hedonistic, and lazy that they have become complicit in their own destruction. This is the kamikaze generation. It is clear that “Do whatever thou willst” has become a canon. The results are predictable.