Biden Gets Nailed by Community Notes for ‘Bottomless Pinocchio’ Lie


President Joe Biden lies. There are many.

In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone in the political world — or any office holder — lie as much as he does. And that’s saying a lot, considering the profession is filled with liars. His complete disregard for facts is what takes his lying a whole new level. He often makes up stories to make himself look better. Even if the story isn’t true, he does it because he believes that it will help him. Even lies that have already been proven false, like his story about the Amtrak train conductor Angelo Negri and his involvement in civil rights issues, are repeated by him.

Democrats are apoplectic over the lies told by Rep. George Santos, R-NY. Santos is also alleged to be a serial storyteller. Santos doesn’t hold the nation’s most powerful position, nor is his finger poised on the nuclear button. Joe Biden is. Democrats don’t care about Joe Biden being in the White House. This is a worrying thought. Not just because he lies, but also because of the deterioration of his character and his incoherence.

The media has helped Biden in part, as they don’t always call out the lies he tells. This makes him believe he’s able to say anything. Since Community Notes were implemented on Twitter, his lies are now being dropped. They have just nailed him over a large lie about reducing deficit.

Biden said, “I am proud of the progress that we have made.” In our first two-year period, we reduced the deficit by $1.7 trillion. This includes increasing revenue by asking wealthy corporations and large companies to start paying their fair share, and cutting subsidies for Big Oil and Big Pharma.

He’s lying not only about his “actions” to reduce the deficit but also about the cause of the “reduction”. This is likely to appeal to the masses to give the impression that he holds the “corporations accountable”. Community Notes points out that the opposite is actually true. He has indeed increased the deficit. This is a fantastic note.

The reduction of $1.7 trillion was due to the expiration of COVID expenditures, which had been planned in advance. Biden’s actions increased, not decreased, the deficit.

This false claim (& its debunking) has been repeated so many times that the Washington Post gave it Bottomless Pinocchio.

The media is responsible for this lie, and the Washington Post’s fact-checker gave Biden an “endless Pinocchio.”

Community Notes exposed him on this exact lie before, when Biden claimed to be responsible for the “largest deficit reduction in American History.”

It hasn’t prevented Biden from spreading the lie. This shows just how shameless Biden is with his lies, or that he doesn’t have any control over what he says anymore. If Democrats cared, they would not have allowed him to remain. All they care about, is control. This will come back to bite them when the next election is held in 2024.