Biden’s Strange Moments With Children During School Visit


Joe Biden, who has been on a seemingly endless vacation since the beginning of August, returned to Lake Tahoe Sunday.

He didn’t have a lot of work to do when he returned. His public schedule consisted of only two events: a reception in the afternoon and a trip to a Washington, D.C. school in the morning. He seems to be on vacation even when he is not technically on vacation.

He and his wife Jill visited the Eliot-Hine Middle School on Monday to greet and talk to children returning to school.

Here he is coughing and shaking hands with the children in the school.

It’s interesting because, as we previously reported, he has already suggested that he may try to mandate a COVID vaccination that “works.” This makes you wonder if he’s admitting that the COVID-19 vaccine he had been pushing doesn’t work. In the context of the situation with the children, if he believes there’s a new COVID strain on the horizon, it doesn’t seem like he is taking the measures that Democrats want to try and force on people to “protect” them. Why doesn’t he think about the safety and security of the kids?

It’s funny to see that the girl wearing the diamond sweater was able to avoid shaking hands with Jill Biden. It’s unclear if she shakes Joe Biden’s hand because the video begins right after Joe Biden.

Then Biden addressed an eighth-grade mathematics class, and his remarks were pretty funny when viewed in light of his long vacations. He said it was hard to return from a three-month vacation and go back to work.

What’s wrong, baby? You look at me like, “I don’t wanna be in this math course”?” Biden interrupted to address a student before continuing, “The hardest part is coming back after three months of not doing work, not doing homework, and then suddenly you have a lot of catch-ups to do from the end of last year.”

Then came the “touching”, when he appeared to be stroking one of the children who looked about 13 or 14 years old.

Why is he holding that child? This is a very uncomfortable image. Stop touching children already! His staff has not tried to convince him to stop. It doesn’t seem to have worked because he continues doing it. Biden was accused of inappropriate touching by several women before the 2020 presidential election. We’ve since seen him touch, smell, or make creepy remarks about/to kids. Scott Brown, a former congressman, claimed that he had threatened Biden because he was “handsy with his wife” during the swearing-in ceremony. I don’t even know what to do. But stop it now.