Border Patrol Opens Gate to Allow Illegal Aliens in After It Was Shut by Texas National Guard


To stop illegal aliens from crossing the border, the Texas National Guard had shut down Eagle Pass, Texas’ frontier gate. The U.S. Border Patrol watched from Texas and opened the gate to allow several dozen illegal aliens into the U.S.

Illegals can cross the border to appear before being processed. It’s one thing. International law requires that the U.S. hear such a request.

Border Patrol is in a different position. They facilitate the crossing and keep the door open for illegals.

Fox News:

Some agents were furious at being taken from the line and made to process illegal immigrants into America

Alejandro Mayorkas (Homeland Security Secretary) said in January that while the administration’s policies aren’t popular with U.S Customs and Border Protection, it’s a fact and that there’s a lot we can do within the framework.

Rand Paul noted that the Democrats love illegal immigration, and they have not been willing to change the laws.

Title 42, which prohibits illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. during pandemics, is still in force. It won’t be long. Border apprehensions hover at around 200,000 per month with an unknown number of “gateways.” CBP reports that 500,000 “getaways”, have crossed the border this year.

With just two months left until the end of the fiscal year, we have already broken the border apprehensions record.

Senator Paul believes that “zero tolerance” is the only policy that can make sense in this circumstance.

Paul explained why there is a zero-tolerance policy for illegal immigration.

Anyone caught in the act of breaking in or trying to enter should be immediately returned to the side.

Paul suggested that an agreement be reached through legal immigration being increased to curb illegal immigration.

More resources should be allocated to allow more people to enter the country. Once you have done that for six months, I will not tolerate it.

The administration is unlikely to support such an idea. Biden will remain enslaved by open-borders fanatics.