Bruce Springsteen’s Guitarist Launches a Hateful Rant Against Republicans


At least one member of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band had a very uneasy Easter Sunday this year. That evening, seasoned guitarist Steven Van Zandt unleashed several vulgar tweets, blaming Republicans for the mass shooting of Christians at a Nashville elementary school and imagining that they will someday be exterminated like “cockroaches.”

Van Zandt is 72 years old and a guitarist in Springsteen’s band. He began his tirade by calling anyone who didn’t respect the Second Amendment cowards and pussies “Republican White Supremacist cowards.”

Then, he claimed that Republicans who support self-defense will likely die a violent end at their own hands.

Van Zandt’s comments quickly were condemned by other Twitter users. He then issued another anti-Republican rant calling his critics “Foxsucking Russian Bots and MagOTT Cockroaches” who “take away… women’s rights,” exclude “Black people from voting,” “harass trans persons”, and “shoot… children.”

“Do what Republicans do best and get the f*** outta my feed!” he demanded before deleting that post as well.

He said Tuesday that he never called for violence against Republicans and that he meant to say “clearly” he wanted “to exterminate” Republicans “at their ballot box,” and not in real life.

Van Zandt has a Twitter account that shows he spends a lot of time talking up far-left Democrats and demeaning Republicans and the policies they follow.

“I’m the Love Man. I’m a peace-loving ‘60s hippie. I’ve got nothing but love for the world!” he wrote on Friday.