Catholic University To Cut Religious Studies, Theology Majors To Fund More In-Demand Programs


A Virginia Catholic university recently announced that it was looking at slashing 10 majors, including theology and religious studies programs. Why? “Lacking potential growth. ”

Marymount University, a liberal arts college, plans to discontinue bachelor’s degrees from philosophy, theology and religion, math, art, and history. It will also discontinue English, English economics, sociology and secondary education programs.

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Marymount University President Irma Beerra supports the controversial cuts which have provoked a backlash among students and alumni. A spokesperson for the university said that the plan was also approved and supported by the Faculty Advisory Committee and Academic Policy and Budget and Planning Committee.

Becerra stated that “Over the long term, it would be irresponsible [to] maintain majors and] programs which have consistently high enrollment, low graduation rate and lack of potential growth. It is clear evidence that students made decisions and behaved well over time, supporting the decision to end programs.

Ashly Trjo, president of student governance, was unimpressed by the changes. He called them “detrimental to the diversity of our student body”.

Trejo Méjia stated that “we fear that removing programs will alter the foundation upon which Marymount University was established.”

Fox News Digital reviewed and concluded that officials at the university believe the school will be more profitable in the long term.

According to the updated plan, universities must be innovative and differentiate themselves from their competition to survive and prosper in the future.

According to the report, students now have more choices than ever about where they want to earn a college degree. This demand must be met by MU.

Fox News Digital was informed by a spokesperson that funds from eliminating initiatives would be used for more popular majors and programs.

Becerra presented Wednesday’s plan to the trustees. The program cuts will be decided by the board on Thursday.

Becerra said that the university would remain “rooted in liberal arts and focused on education for the whole person.” ”

Critics claim that the university’s plans are not in line with its stated mission.

Ariane Economos stated that they should change the mission if they want to. She explained that the Chronicle of Higher Education must know the reason for the change. ”

The American Historical Association reached out to Becerra last week to ask her to reconsider her decision not to remove the program. It claimed it “undermines” university commitment to intellectual curiosity, service, global outlook, and service.

A letter was sent by the association to Becerra stating that “while the university’s core in liberal arts provides one way of addressing that mission,” it was important that students have the opportunity for deeper study in a field that also includes majors in history.

Fox News Digital spoke to a spokesperson from Marymount University. She stated that Marymount University remains committed to its mission. We will continue to prepare students for high-demand jobs by providing a solid education that is grounded in liberal arts.

Marymount’s spokesperson said that Marymount was making adjustments in order to position itself for long-term growth. Marymount invests in programs that are aligned with student demand to give it an advantage.