Democrat Calls It Dangerous And Un-American To Think Children Are Safest With Married Parents


South Dakota state Rep. Erin Healy is a Democrat. She described the belief that children are safer in a family with a married father and mother as a “dangerous, un-American belief.”

Family Heritage Alliance, an extremist group, stated this morning that children are most at home in families with a married mother and father. Healy tweeted Monday, “What a dangerous belief and un-American belief!”

Family Heritage Alliance’s website states that they want “South Dakota to be a state where God can be honored, religious freedom thrives, families thrive, life is valued”

Healy was disappointed that a bill to define marriage between two people rather than one man and one woman failed. She retweeted an article in which a reporter stated that the bill had been killed by the state House Affairs Committee in a 7-5 vote.

“The grip of fundamentalist groups that only believe in nuclear families is strong today at our state legislature. Healy posted, “I am disgusted at the extremist opposition that we heard today and disappointed that we couldn’t pass such an important bill.”

It takes just one man and one lady to have a child. Is it dangerous and un-American to think that children, all else being equal, have the best chance of positive outcomes in a loving family with their parents? Delano Squires tweeted.

“I thought that this was a parody until I looked at her timeline. Children thrive when their parents are committed and healthy. That’s reality. Someone else tweeted, “I guess the reality is too extreme for her.”

Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem (a Republican) signed Monday’s commonsense measure to ban healthcare professionals from providing gender reassignment surgery and other transgender services to minors.

Healy, however, described the bill as “extremism at its finest” earlier in the month and claimed that “kids will die because of this bill.”