A drunk South Carolina man stole a Santa Claus statue from a Greenville, South Carolina, restaurant.
A man stole the Santa Claus statue from downtown Greenville’s Bonjour Main restaurant on Dec. 11.
WSPA-TV reporter Henry Coburn was covering the story and interviewing the restaurant’s owner Mayra Gallo. The owner interrupted the interview, “He’s sitting right up there.”
The holiday hijacker returned to the crime scene to not only steal more Christmas decorations but also to apologize for his inconsiderate behavior. He asked for forgiveness and returned to Bonjour Main.
Melvin was the man who claimed to be Melvin and brought twelve roses to the owner to express his regret for the theft.
Gallo asked Melvin to interview him on television with Coburn, in order for him to apologize. Melvin’s sincere apology won Coburn no charges
Melvin said: “I’m sorry. Really sorry. While I know that sorry is not an option for many, I promise to do better.
Coburn noticed that Melvin seemed both anxious and embarrassed.
Kris Kringle fraudster claimed he was celebrating a friend’s birthday that night by drinking alcoholic beverages.
He said, “Just wasn’t thinking.” “I thought, that’s cool I wished I could have it.”
Coburn wrote on Twitter that he said the following less than 24 hours later (and likely more sober) and that he had brought it back. Coburn stated that he felt awful and wanted to make things right. He also wanted to be free from any charges.
Melvin pleaded that he would do all he could to make it right. He would pay any damages and fix anything I could. “I will do everything I can to make this right. ”
Gallo accepted Melvin’s offer to help out at the restaurant. She said that Melvin was her Christmas present and didn’t press charges.
The Santa Claus statue robbery ended as a happy Christmas story