Hillary Clinton Says Trump Rally Will Be ‘Reenacting’ 1939 Nazi Event


Hillary Clinton – former Secretary of State – compared President Trump’s rally at New York City Madison Square Garden, in 2019, to the Nazi rally that took place in the same venue in 1939.


“One other thing that you’ll see next week, Kaitlan, is Trump actually reenacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939. I write about this in my book,” Clinton told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on Thursday night. “President Franklin Roosevelt was appalled that neo-Nazis, fascists in America were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany. So I don’t think we can ignore it.”


“Now, it may be a leap for some people and a lot of others may think, ‘I don’t want to go there. I don’t want to say that.’ But please open your eyes to the danger that this man poses to our country, because I think it is clear and present for anybody paying attention,” Clinton continued.


Clinton told Collins just moments before that she agreed, with the former Trump chiefs-of-staff Gen. John Kelly and Vice President Kamala Harris who both called Trump a “fascist”.



Harris, the 2016 Democratic nominee for President, did not comment on whether or not this attack would resonate among voters she must convince before Election Day.


Clinton responded, “I’m afraid I can’t fully answer your question.” “But I believe you have a duty when you run for president. In 2016, I raised the alarm but it was an uphill battle because people could not imagine that he would be a danger or that his character was so lacking when he had the responsibility of President. I can understand why. Now, however, there are too many facts to support what Harris says.


“Secondly, there are people who still listen, and you may be leaning one way or the other, but when they hear John Kelly, General Milley, President Obama, or Vice-President Harris, it makes them wonder, ‘Why?'”, she said.



You have to make the right decision in some cases. The woman added that she wanted to know as much as possible about him before the election so they could see what kind of person he was and what type of president he would be.


Kelly has been a critic of Trump’s former administration since Kelly’s departure. She told The New York Times that Trump fits the “general definition of a fascist”.


Harris replied, “Yes, I concur,” when asked if she agreed with Kelly’s conclusion during the CNN Town Hall on Wednesday.