House Republicans Confirm They Will Still Pursue Contempt Charges After Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify


On Friday, the chairs of both the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees announced that they would continue to pursue contempt charges against Hunter Biden, first son. Hunter Biden has now agreed to testify as a result of the subpoena he had previously ignored, which led to contempt charges. Reps. Jim Jordan and James Comer, who are the chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, released a joint statement that stated:

Hunter Biden’s recent statement that he would comply with a court subpoena is encouraging, but make no mistake, Hunter Biden already refused to obey two valid and lawful subpoenas.

The House also confirmed that “the House will proceed with contempt charges until the first son ‘confirms’ a date for him to appear in private, as per his legal obligations.

Hunter Biden and the legal team of his office have been uncooperative and defiant in their response to House Oversight and Judiciary, but Friday they adopted a more conciliation tone.

Hunter Biden’s offer to take a deposition as part of the investigation represents a radical shift in strategy for his camp. They had argued that the son of the president would only attend a public hearing. Hunter Biden skipped a deposition in the last month. This prompted Republicans with contempt charges.

The Messenger has been told by multiple sources that Republicans believe they will have enough votes to pass contempt charges in the House. The vote is expected to take place next week.

Hunter Biden has been the subject of a series of disturbing allegations that have surfaced since his father served in the Senate and Joe Biden became Vice President. These allegations involve shady deals with foreign governments, including Ukraine and China. Hunter Biden faces tax evasion allegations in California, in addition to the Congressional investigations.

House Democrats are strangely silent about this whole issue, while the House GOP continues to pursue the allegations of corruption against the Biden family. The Democratic Party would demand that the Biden administration answer some pointed questions and also that the President and son of the Biden family answer specific allegations if there were any principled Democrats. Democrat operatives, on the other hand, spend a lot of time denying that anything is wrong.

One source close to the President’s Son said, “They keep giving opportunities to show that they are not serious about the investigation.”

Source: It’s obvious that Republicans don’t care about the impeachment probe into President Biden, but rather drag his son through the dirt in an attempt to harm the president’s chances of reelection.

Democrats seem more concerned about politics than principle; they appear to be more interested in hiding than uncovering the truth. Why?