Jonathan Turley Blasts WaPo on Belated Admission on Biden’s Decline and the White House Coverup


Their “energy” The mainstream media has moved on from the “energy!” The DNC is awash with talking points, and the mainstream media seems to have forgotten the events of July when Democrat leaders, including Nancy Pelosi, former House Speaker, and Chuck Schumer, Sen. Maj. leader, shoved Joe Biden from the presidential race, in what was one of the most undemocratic instances in American history.

They replaced him with Vice President Kamala Harris. She is a presumed presidential candidate who, unlike Biden, has not yet received a single vote in the presidential primary, let alone won one.

The scandal is not the forced removal of Biden, but the attempt to cover up his obvious decline for years, leading up to the dramatic announcement in July of his resignation.

During the entire tenure of Joe Biden’s presidency and even earlier during his campaign for president.

The media and Democrats then worked together to label the clips shared by conservative and legacy media as “cheap fakes” because they were out of context. But Biden blew it with his disastrous performance in the debate, which was deemed unreliable and could not be spun in his favor by the media or their leftist allies.

Now, a month has passed since Joe Biden tweeted his retirement from politics after a 50+-year career. Some in the media are reluctantly admitting what they knew, as well as what Biden’s handlers were aware of but hid.

The Washington Post editorial board in its Tuesday article gushed over Biden’s willingness to “surrender power” and how it deserved special recognition. But it’s not what they said, but rather how they described his decline.

Retrospectively, Mr. Biden shouldn’t have run for reelection. As the president said afterward, it was more than just a bad evening. His inner circle tried to hide his decline for years, even though he had been showing signs of declining for some time. The 81-year-old would have done better for himself and the country if he had kept the implied promise he made during the 2020 campaign that he would be a “transitional figure”, perhaps by bowing down after the Democrats’ surprising good showing in the 2022 midterms.

Jonathan Turley of George Washington University, a critic of the media who is often quoted, said that some things in the article were not stated but should have been, such as the fact Kamala Harris knew about Biden’s decline, just like the WaPo admitted.

First, Kamala Harris is a member of the “inner group,” which she emphasizes on her campaign trail. This would also mean that she concealed his decline while denying it publically…

Second, many have written about the decline for a long time, which raises the question as to why the Washington Post, and other media outlets, show a near-total lack of interest. Biden’s sharpness was hailed by many in the media.

Finally, it is a fact that both the medical and political staff of the White House denied to the media any decline. The Post admits now, rather casually, that the whole thing was a deliberate lie. In our post-truth environment, this is just another shrug.

The corporate media have repeatedly shown their true colors throughout this whole process, gaslighting Biden even when it was clear what was happening and then conveniently changing course only after the debate, out of sheer panic, as Biden had essentially confirmed what his critics said about him for years, critics that purported news outlets such as the WaPo had relentlessly criticized.

No matter who wins the election in November, those in Biden’s inner circle and beyond who knew of this but kept silent about it even though the American people deserve to know the truth must face the consequences in a court of public opinion.

Kamala Harris, his vice president, should be in the spotlight more than anyone else on this issue. The only exception is perhaps First Lady Jill Biden. But there are many others as well. Right now we have lots of questions and not much in the way of answers. This is partly because the media seems content to not ask them. The reason is that they were also in on it.