Mark Wahlberg Urges Nevada Lawmakers to Support Creation of ‘Hollywood 2.0’


Actor Mark Wahlberg, who packed up his family and moved from the no-longer-Golden State of California to Las Vegas in the fall of 2022 for a “better life,” now wants to create a better life for filmmaking in Las Vegas as well. Can the action hero actor pull it off? If anyone can do it, I’d put my money on Wahlberg.

Wahlberg asked Nevada lawmakers to pass a law that would raise tax credits for filmmaking from $10 million annually to $190 million annually over the next twenty years.

CNBC reported that the actor shot his last movie in Vegas, and he plans to film a second there this summer.

I’d love to see us build studios, create jobs, and diversify the economy. My last film was filmed here. In the summer, I will be shooting a new film. There are so many more opportunities to create here.

It’s an amazing opportunity for everyone to prosper. There is so much growth and so much potential. We want to create many jobs and excitement. Hollywood 2.0.

The devout Christian, in an interview conducted earlier this year, explained his move from Vegas through the lens of his faith.

It really helped me a lot. God did not come to this earth to save saints. He came to rescue sinners.

Wahlberg spoke to Fox Business about his plans and has already begun moving in this direction.

The studio itself will create 10,000 new jobs. The average salary will be $100,000 higher than it is today. We are looking to create jobs for the locals and train them both behind and in front of the camera.

The government, particularly our new Governor, is looking for ways to create jobs that are not related to gaming.

He said that his family is first and he would like to be able to work from home.

I would like to be able to work from home. I moved to California to pursue acting many years ago and have only made two movies during the time I spent there.

This made more sense to us to be able to give my children a better future and to follow and pursue their dream, whether my daughter is an equestrian or my son is a basketballer.

We came here for a new start, to give the kids a fresh look. There are so many opportunities here that I am really excited about the possibilities.

You’re correct if you think Mark Wahlberg doesn’t fit the Hollywood Looney Tune stereotype like many of his peers. Wahlberg is a man of faith and principles who has always done the right thing, regardless of Hollywood’s lunacy.

There are big plans in the works.

The first studio, located in the southwest of the valley, at Durango Drive & Sunset Road, off the 215 Beltway and called ‘Zone One’, would serve as a pipeline for UNLV students studying film through an on-site $8 million training facility.

On Wednesday, plans were announced for Summerlin South, a 60-acre site at Flamingo Road & Town Center Drive that would include a “mixed-use, vibrant” retail area and perhaps a hotel.

The studio is made up of both the three-story building where you construct sets and your soundstages. The studio includes the volume studios, or green rooms in which Star Wars and Mandalorian were filmed,” Howard Hughes Corporation CEO David O’Reilly explained.

Walberg’s Hollywood 2.0 is likely to succeed. I don’t possess a crystal ball, but as the average American grows more disillusioned by the left’s influence on America’s biggest corporations and effective boycotts like those of Bud Light and Target bring CEOs who pander to them to their knees financially, Walberg has a great chance of success.

Will Hollywood 2.0 surpass Hollywood 1.0 to become the movie capital of America? I don’t think so — at least not in the near future. But as the extreme leftist tendencies continue to spread throughout the entertainment industry I would bet on it over the long term.

Mark Wahlberg is a man I would bet on.