Maryland School District Unveils LGBTQ Propaganda Targeting Toddlers With Highly Sexual Concepts


Maryland’s largest school system has released a new book list that is loaded with LGBT-activist propaganda. It was targeted at elementary schools and can be used by children as young as 4. The sexual content’s purpose is to “reduce stigmatization, marginalization of transgender students and gender nonconforming students.”

Fox News Digital reported on a PowerPoint presentation by Montgomery County Public Schools that mentioned a collection of activist books that would be distributed to classrooms from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade. These books are designed to discredit the idea of a gender binary from an early age. They also immerse children into the language of LGBT activists, teaching them words such as “drag queen” or “intersex.”

Pre-kindergarteners can read or be read “Pride Puppy!” A book about a young boy celebrating Pride Day with his grandfather. This book is described as “affirming, inclusive and joyful” and offers a glimpse into a Pride parade and the vibrant community that celebrates it each year.

Kindergarteners, i.e. children between 5 and 6, will have a break from learning how to tie their shoes and mastering alphabet skills to learn to read “Uncle Bobby’s Wedding,” a book that focuses on a gay wedding.

Don’t be afraid, Clifford the Big Red Dog! First-graders will be reading “Intersection Allies,” an “entry into intersectional feminist for kids…offering an opportunity to…connect to collective struggle for justice.”

After a few more years, the MCPS children will be ready to read “Born Ready”: The True Story Of A Boy Named Penelope. This book is about the transsexual black son of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Board Chair.

It doesn’t suffice that the books are included in the curriculum. MCPS wants to ensure that the message gets across.

Pre-K teachers at MCPS were given a guide that linked them to the glossary of “LGBTQ+” words by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.

Teachers can therefore provide teachers with teacher-approved definitions of words like “nonbinary”, “transgender”, “pansexual”, “cisgender” and “gender expression” for toddlers.

Teachers can use the glossary to help them frame various concepts and words at different grades. The HRCF explains that indoctrinates can say “sexual orientation” to describe their feelings.

The second-grade LGBT content resource guide provides answers to students’ questions.

For example, a student might say, “They can’t get married because they’re both men.” The teacher responds by saying, “When people become adults, they can get married. Two men can decide to marry, have a family, and care for one another if they love each other.

Teachers are to “disrupt either/or thinking” by emphasizing that anyone can like what they want. People can like whatever they like. This should be the driving factor behind students’ choices regarding the clothes, books, and play they choose.

Fox News Digital was informed by Fox News Digital that readings are voluntary and families will be notified prior to their full implementation. Despite the claim of MCPS, the “Sample Answers to Caregivers’ Questions” suggests otherwise.

The question, “Why can’t you opt out of this like I can for Family Health & Life?” is answered by the stock reply. The standard answer is “In these picture books, and in discussions, students are learning about all the identities that exist in the world and in our classroom.” … Every child and every family deserves to be positively represented in the school community.

Parents who think their children are too young to learn about gender identity and sexuality are wrong. Children are already learning and most often seeing straight representations of it around them. Children can explore more interests and ideas by learning about gender diversity.

According to the guide, educators should tell parents about LGBT content in their homes and not just in certain instances.

MCPS aims to expose children at an early age to LGBT activist rhetoric, but it also offers them an incubator for identity crises.

Montgomery Community Media reported on Nov. 9 that MCPS held a workshop titled “Supporting transgender students.” Students, guardians, and teachers were guided through the Montgomery County Board of Education Gender Identity Guidelines. This is what MCPS follows.

The guidelines show that MCPS is keen to keep parents informed about their children’s “gender support plans”.

According to the document, “Prior to calling a student’s parent/guardian or guardian, the principal, or identified staff member, should talk with the student to determine the level of support they receive or expect to receive from home.” Transgender students and those who are not gender-conforming may be unable to openly identify their gender at home due to safety concerns or lack of acceptance.

Parents who are not on board with their child’s dysphoria being played into by the school district should contact “Student Welfare and Compliance” (SWC).

Staff will support student-led plans that work toward including the family if it is possible. Recognizing that student support is crucial, even if the family is not supportive, staff will help to develop such plans.”

According to MCPS guidelines, staff cannot disclose information about a student’s “transgender status, legal names, or sex at birth” to their guardians or parents.

The document states that “The fact that students may choose to reveal their status to staff members, or other students, does not allow school staff members to divulge a student’s status to anyone else including parents/guardians.”

To hide confusion from parents, guidelines recommend that students conceal their school-home gender identity differences. “Unless student or parent/guardian have specified otherwise, MCPS school personnel should use student’s legal name, pronoun, and sex at birth.

A judge dismissed a complaint filed against the MCBE/MCPS in August. The complaint claimed that the prior version of the guidelines was designed to prohibit parental involvement in “a pivotal decision” regarding their children’s lives. This violated both the state rights and constitutional rights of the parents.

The Washington Post reported that Obama nominee Judge Paul W. Grimm of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland sided with the MCBE’s argument that the guidelines were “certainly rationally related” and that the MCBE has a “legitimate interest” in creating a supportive and safe environment for all MCPS students (including those who are transgender or gender nonconforming).