National Democrats Strip Iowa of ‘First in the Nation’ Election Contest


The Iowa caucuses are the first contest in the quadrennial presidential elections process for more than 40 years. Jimmy Carter, a former Governor of Georgia, realized that he could win the Iowa Caucuses immediately and the momentum from that would carry over to the much more visible New Hampshire primary. He would be almost impossible to stop if he won there.

Carter was correct and Iowa was able to maintain its first-in-the-nation status. Although it does not always select a presidential candidate, the caucuses have helped to elect or discredit many candidates from both sides.

The Democrats, all awake and determined to prove how non-racist they really are, are now going to change the order of the crucial first primaries. They will ask the traditional first four contestants in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina to submit their applications for the order they will be allowed to hold primaries and caucuses.

Democrats were naturally compelled to create requirements regarding skin color and diversity.

Des Moines Register:

These applications will be evaluated by the committee, which will then restructure the early nomination window to reflect the party’s current values and modernity.

These values are defined in Wednesday’s resolution. They include the diversity of a state, general election competition, and the “feasibility” of holding an early election.

Although Iowa party officials claim they will make their pitch, it seems unlikely that Iowa will be reinstated according to this criteria.

Ross Wilburn, Iowa Democratic Party Chair, stated to the Register that Iowa will be applying for the early window. He also said that Iowa would be enthusiastically making its case. Bud, good luck!

Iowa is very white. 90% of the population is white, with only 12% Hispanic. (Hispanics count in Iowa as whites up to the point it comes down to politics. Then they are their “race”).

The fix is in Iowa. The solution has been there since the beginning.

However, while other early states like New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina will need to reapply to host their contests, the committee made it clear at multiple meetings that its main focus is on removing Iowa from the leadoff spot.

Mo Elleithee, a committee member, stated that “I will speak it now, caucus state is going to be a hard sell for me,” during Wednesday’s meeting. “States that do not offer diversity will be difficult to sell, I’ll say it now.”

Wilburn stated in the Register statement that Scott Brennan (Iowa’s representative on the committee) voted against the resolution “because it does offer an opportunity to present Iowa’s case to the committee but it is clear some members seem to have pre-judged an outcome with respect to caucuses.”

The party of diversity was embarrassed to see Iowa, which is too white, take the lead in presenting a candidate for American voters every four years. The party’s black core voters were outraged. They were also upset by their radical white members. Hispanics were also upset. Iowans were the only ones who seemed to enjoy the current situation. Even though white Iowans were seeing their skin get browner as a result of working all summer in the sun to grow food for the vegan feminists, white radicals, and black activists, it wasn’t brown enough.

Nevada is my pick among the other states that are in the race for first place in the country. Although South Carolina has more blacks than Nevada, the media supports Nevada due to its obvious Las Vegas. The Iowa Caucuses were criticized by the media for getting stuck in Ankeny, Iowa while covering a candidate. It was worse than death for the hard-drinking, high-living members of the working media.

There is not much chance that you will be able to roll up the sidewalks in Vegas at 10 p.m.