NY Times Unintentionally Exposes What Kamala Harris Knows About Biden’s Cognitive Health


Kamala Harris, the Democrat nominee for president, has made it an art to dodge and weave around Joe Biden’s cognition issues. She said after the last question asked by NBC News, that the reporter should be free to ask Biden, not her.


It was the only contentious moment in the interview that aired on Tuesday. Hallie Jackson did everything she could to make Harris admit to what she saw in Biden over the past three-and-a-half years, considering that she is his Vice President.


After pointing out that the whole reason Harris was now the nominee was because of Biden’s disastrous debate performance and the fallout that followed, Harris replied “Well, you’d have to ask him if that’s the only reason why.”


Harris’s continued insistence that she was unaware of Biden’s apparent mental issues is an insult to American intelligence. Though she will not admit what she saw, her close friends are revealing the truth. We learned this by accident, thanks to an article in the New York Times that discussed the Harris campaign’s deliberate avoidance of joint campaign visits with Biden as the campaign neared its end.



My colleague reported previously on this issue, citing a story from Axios – denied at the Biden White House- about the Harris campaign wanting to keep Biden away because they considered him as a political liability.


The Times article, published on Monday, seemed to support the Axios article, but it also contained this nugget.


In recent weeks Ms. Harris quietly added new questions to the daily rounds of calls she makes to allies and advisors outside of her immediate circle. This is a routine she’s kept up throughout her career to ensure she gets a pulse on what’s happening outside of her immediate bubble.


According to two people who were briefed about these calls, she has asked people close to Mr. Biden questions regarding the president’s mentality and emotional and physical state as Election Day approaches: “How do think he is doing?”



It’s just… unbelievable. Harris is still vice president, and Biden has his personal cell number. She could have called him at any time to ask how he was doing. She’s asking “gently”… White House staffers, instead?


Kamala Harris is aware of this. You can’t stay around Biden for long without noticing. You can’t. It’s not possible.


She was happy to continue the charade for another presidential election cycle, even though Biden’s handlers were no doubt the ones running the show, and First Lady Jill Biden seemed to be playing a leading role.


The vice president of the United States was one of the most important political figures in American history. She knew when the president of the United States was going to decline. Was she part of a team that was making decisions and leading the way during this time?


It is frustrating that Harris hasn’t been held accountable for the scandal in the court of public opinion. Our only hope is to see a majority of Americans vote “you fired” on the Democrat nominee at the polls next Tuesday.