NYC Nonprofit Highlights Life-Saving Role Pets Play in Our Lives


Pets Are Wonderful Support (Paws NY), a non-profit dedicated to helping vulnerable older adults take care of their pets, created a short film to highlight the vital and often life-saving roles pets play in our lives.

“The Bridge” is an animated short film made in collaboration with Klick Health. It’s based on a true story about an individual who experiences suicidal thoughts and meets an abandoned dog.

The man’s life is saved by the bond formed between them.

According to Rachel Herman, founder of Paws NY, the film “does an incredible job of very powerfully demonstrating what these relationships really can be lifesaving.” Fox News Digital was also informed by Rachel Herman.

Herman hopes to use the film to increase awareness of her organization’s work, which often goes unnoticed.

Since 2008, Herman and a group of volunteers have helped scores of elderly people and persons with disabilities care for their pets through various programs and services.

“They often tell us that their pet is their best friend and their only source of companionship. It’s their reason to get up each morning.”

These services include dog walking and litter management, medication administration, and food and water provision.

She said, “The people we help — they often tell me their pet is their best friend. Their sole source of companionship. Their reason for getting up each morning.”

She said that they are committed to helping more New Yorkers maintain these important relationships.

Herman stated that most of their clients struggle to provide physical pet care and don’t have the financial means to pay for someone to help them.

Herman was inspired by seeing a homeless couple with their dog outside a grocery shop in the early 2000s.

“Back then, homeless shelters wouldn’t allow pets. She said that she thought of her husband and daughter, “How heartbreaking it is that they may have to give up their warm bed at night due to their strong relationship with their pet.”

She was able to see how difficult it is to care for pets later in life when there are many obstacles.

Here are some tips to help your pet stay healthy in the future.

Is there a plan for the future if you are unable to care or take care of your pet suddenly? These tips will help you make one if it is not already.

Get started now

Herman stated that “our goal is to improve quality of life for older adults and other vulnerable New Yorkers.”

We do this by offering pet care support to help them keep their pets, even when they are faced with obstacles.

Herman is aware of the importance of the work of the organization, but she also knows that much happens behind closed doors.

Klick Health says that the short film has received “phenomenal”, positive feedback since it was uploaded to YouTube last month.

Bernardo Romero joined Klick Health 2022 to help create campaigns and products that positively affect people’s health. He believes storytelling is a powerful tool to influence behavior.

Romero stated, “We’ve been discussing a lot about mental and physical health and how we can better take care of ourselves.”

This film offers a possible solution.