Staten Island GOP Member Shuts Down Reporters Blaming Trump for His Shooting


After the attempted assassination, things got heated at the Staten Island GOP Conference. Some members are tearing journalists a new one in an attempt to blame it…on Donald Trump.

Sam Pirozzolo of the New York State Assembly was one of the most fiery moments. He got up on the podium and addressed the accusations that Trump’s rhetoric was responsible for his assassination attempt and that the shooter had been registered Republican, which the media has tried to use to absolve itself from any blame.

Pirozzolo, who took the stage to speak at the event, criticized the journalists for implying that the violence was a result of Republican politics.

“Everybody knows that you have MSNBC, the New York Times, Rachel Maddow, The View, you have Maxine Waters; Oh, let’s get in their faces.'” said Pirozzolo. “You have this going on every day, and you dare to say to us, ‘Shouldn’t we wait?'”

Pirozzolo attacked the media, saying they didn’t have to wait for all the information to come out to say how the media rhetoric caused this. They said they did not need anyone’s permission to make a public statement or to tell people to be more careful with their words. Then he put the media to the test.

“Are You Saying That The Fact He Was A Registered Republican Party Absolves Him of Everything?” asked Pirozzollo. “Does that mean all media outlets are free to cover all the stories they have done in the last 10? “No, absolutely not!”

He continued by pointing to the reporter. I don’t personally know you, but it is pathetic to suggest that this man is a Republican. Everything is fine when you control the media and have access to social media. You talk about the laptop.

You can watch all the action here.

Pirozzolo is correct. The media and leftists have used the fact that the shooter is a Republican to deflect all of the attention from themselves. It was discovered, however, that the shooter, while he was registered as a Republican, had a donation history with the leftist activist group “ActBlue.” The money was intended for the “Progressive Turnout Project,” an organization on the radical left. On the day of President Joe Biden’s inauguration, he also donated to him.

Many have speculated that he registered with the Republican Party to make sure that Trump could not be voted in at the state level of Pennsylvania, where he registered. This is a practice that political activists use.

The media cannot escape its responsibility for the attempted murder of the shooter, regardless of whether or not he had been a Republican all his life. Media rhetoric against Trump has been vile, with artistic representations of his severed skull, as well as shooting and murdering the man.

Pirozzolo’s attack on the media is a line that should be followed.