USA Today Desperately Wants You To Think Nazis Are At Walt Disney World


In the early days of mainstream media, when the veneer of credibility was still thin, I heard people in advertising refer to USA Today by the name “McPaper”. The term referred not only to its ubiquitous nature but also to its lack of useful content. The McPaper is not like a fine wine that gets better with age.

The McPaper reported breathlessly on Sunday that 15 people had gathered with Nazi flags, Ron DeSantis signs, and other items outside Walt Disney World’s entrance on Saturday. Orange County Sheriff’s Office sent two deputies to the scene. Two counter-protesters showed up, but no arrests were made.

Only two?

Where was Antifa? Where was BLM? Where were the rainbow flags? Where were the angry students from college? There should have been chanting and homemade shields and signs, as well as bricks and bats. This was supposed to be a normal Donnybrook. The McPaper, however, only got a quote from a real witness, who said: “Good Lord, what’s this world coming to?” What will Florida — and what will America be like? “We don’t want it to continue.”

Where was everyone? Well, I am not a policeman, nor do I play one on TV. If I was a gambler, I’d bet that there were Leftists in the crowd. I would estimate there were 17 people: 15 “DeSantis Nazis”, and 2 counter-protestors. I submit that, like Disney parks, this event was staffed by Leftists to create the illusion that DeSantis or conservatives, in general, are Nazis. I’m surprised that they didn’t sing “Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Fascist’s Life For Me” or “It’s a White World, Afterall.”

Twitchy noted that the McPaper did not interview or identify any protestors for retribution in the future. Twitchy wasn’t the only person who noticed this:

I can also see local TV stations converge on this issue, but let’s not be naive. Who the hell calls USA Today to give a hot tip on the news? USA Today is not a source of important news. I don’t know why anyone even reads USA Today. Hotels don’t even put a free copy of the newspaper outside your room anymore. It is only logical that protesters would have wanted the McPaper to be there.

This is not a serious publication, and neither is the McPaper. But the hope was to attract subscribers who enjoy their journalism served with fries and cherry shakes. Some probably did. The nation is moving right despite our supreme rulers’ best efforts, so the Left must find Nazis anywhere they can. Even within its ranks.