Protests Around The Globe Break-Out Supporting Ukraine


Protests are erupting around the globe as Ukraine fights Russian forces that invaded it last Wednesday.

Protest signs bearing messages such as #HandsOffUkraine and STOP WARF!, Stop Putin, Stop War, and No War, as well as Russians Against the War, were visible in Japan, Washington, D.C. over the weekend.

We, Russians don’t want war. AliyaPassova, a demonstrator in New York City, said Saturday that the man was full of greed.

Passova was one of the hundreds who rallied in Times Square on Saturday to support Ukraine. They held signs and waved the flags of Ukraine while criticizing Vladimir Putin as President.

Roman said that he is not happy with the current situation and that he does not want to be embarrassed about his country. He said that he was afraid of being punished for the Russian family he had.

Protests were held in Washington, D.C., and Atlanta on Saturday. Demonstrations were also held in England, Germany, Greece, and Italy.

Yulia Kolorova, a 49-year-old Ukrainian living in Taiwan, said that my family and friends were safe in their basements after the air raids. It is surreal.

Demonstrations also reached major Russian cities, such as Moscow, where riot officers were seen Sunday patrolling the streets in an effort to quell demonstrations.

According to OVD-Info, more than 3,000 Russian protestors were reportedly detained between Thursday morning and Sunday morning. Associated Press photos show Russian police cracking down on protestors in St. Petersburg, Moscow.

Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday for the first time. The sanctions imposed by the West, including the U.S., then struck Ukraine.

Sunday’s fighting wasn’t over. Russian forces advanced into Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv. Vasylkiv was also hit by missiles (which are not within Kyiv span>

Sunday morning tensions flared after Putin raised the alert status for his nuclear forces to special regime combat duty. He was concerned that the fighting might escalate to a nuclear war.

Volodymyr Zeleskyy, President of Ukraine, announced Sunday that a Ukrainian delegation would meet with a Russian delegation at the Belarus border in order to start peace negotiations.

Zelenskyy’s official Telegram channel announced that we had agreed with the Ukrainian delegation to meet with the Russian delegation at a Ukrainian-Belarusian frontier near the Pripyat River.