NBC Gets Busted for Airbrushing Photos of Lia Thomas


Media spins and distorts reality to promote false narratives. Americans must be open-minded to all that is being promoted. There were many stories about Lia Thomas in the NCAA competition. It was unfair that Thomas, a transgender female, got to compete with biological women.

While watching NBC’s coverage of Thomas some viewers were noticed that the images were airbrushed.

The softened image can be viewed here on video from NBC’s The Today Show.

Erica Denhoff is a credentialed photographer who covered the event and was shocked to learn that her work had been altered by NBC.

After watching the segment multiple times, she realized that the images of  Lia Thomas had intentionally been altered to soften her transgender features. According to her, it is important that photojournalists send authentic photos that haven’t been altered.

“I went back to the original photo that I had uploaded to sites to license it. I noticed an immediate difference. ”

Denhoff referred to the March 17 segment that we cited and said, “To my mind, it definitely seems like there was something going on with the noise reduction/airbrushing of all Lia’s photographs in this segment. ” Denhoff stated, “My photo was authentic. Today they changed my Lia image to fit this news segment. I am shocked and dismayed.

The Washington Examiner asked NBC for clarification, but they didn’t respond.

It’s easy to see why they did this and how they want to conceal their agenda.