Shockingly Appalling Viral Video of 13-Year-Old Drag Queen


Being a political follower, I am naturally exposed to the moral excesses of the left. There are still some things that shock me. A viral video showing a 13-year-old “drag queen” performing for gawking adults shows that.

This video was posted by Libs Of TikTok. I must include a disclaimer because it is so bad. Although there is no nudity in this video (which we wouldn’t post here), it is the most disgusting of all the “drag queen” videos that children have seen.

If you’re smart enough to not click the video, it will contain a small child in a leather-backless, skin-tight dress performing sexual acts for adults who are cheering and snapping photos. This is one of the most disturbing things that I have ever seen in modern society. And there is a lot of trash in our society. It’s not adult drag queens performing for children. That is enough. This is a child performing up-skirt poses for ground men.

Some parts of the dancing are too difficult to share here. However, it is important to be open about our weaknesses in order to combat this problem. This is one of the most shocking parts of the video.

Don’t get me wrong. Although I don’t take my kids to Hooters, it has become quite a fashion for those on the left to make comparisons between these drag shows and waitresses wearing shorts who serve wings or cheerleaders. The far left actually ran to defend the video right on time, suggesting that straight 13-year-olds do worse things.

Are there? My daughter dances. She has never worn something like that while dancing, nor performed a sexualized routine. It is laughable to compare this video to cheerleading. High school cheerleaders get a little boost every now and again. Krassenstein suggests that this stuff is worse than the 13-year-old “drag queen.”

Besides, let’s say he was right. Then most of us would condemn that too. In fact, I have in regard to child beauty pageants (which are still nowhere close to the drag performance in question). This isn’t difficult. If your first response to that video is to defend it and deflect, you’ve already failed the test, and it’s not a hard test to pass. All you have to do is say it’s bad for boys to dress up in skimpy dresses and grind on stages for adults. I mean, come on.

Although I get the term groomer being used a lot, if you are trying to defend what is in that video, then you are a groomer. You are a sick and depraved individual who needs professional help.