Lawrence Jones Condemns Dems’ Politicization of Jordan Neely’s Death


Multiple passengers subdued Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless man on the subway on Monday in New York City. He was allegedly aggressive and threatening and claimed he didn’t mind if he was arrested because he was hungry.

Video footage shows that a 24-year-old Marine was one of the passengers who put Neely into a chokehold. Although there are disagreements about the length of time Neely spent in a chokehold, Juan Alberto Vazquez claims that it was 15 minutes.

Neely was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. The medical examiner has ruled his death a homicide, and the D.A.’s office announced it was investigating the incident. The man who used the chokehold was questioned and was released.

New York City is a city where subway confrontations are common. In fact, many “leaders” of the Democrat party who are tasked to address the problem – including random riders being pushed onto the tracks – simply turn a blind eye. In this case, however, the Marine was white, and thus “privileged,” while Neely, who was black and homeless, was not. So naturally, The Usual Suspects “cared.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, her cohort in the far-left Squad, and Gov. Kathy Hochul are one of the Democrats who have been stepping in front of the camera or taking to Twitter every time they can to express their outrage. AOC declared that Neely had been “murdered” and attacked NYC Mayor Eric Adams. Pressley lied by using an old video of Neely as a Michael Jackson imitation, and tweeting that Neely was “lynched in a Subway.”

Hochul also inflamed the fire by portraying Neely, who had a long history of erratic behavior and mental health problems and had been arrested at least four times for alleged assault, as someone who died simply because he rode the subway.

Hochul stated on Thursday, “I want to acknowledge the horrific video that showed Jordan Neely’s death for riding in a subway train.”

The narrative is always built before the facts are fully known, especially when both the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator fit into a certain “mold”. It’s happened many times in the past decade, including the “hands up don’t shoot”, lie that was told by Ferguson police officers about Michael Brown.

It is sick and does a disservice to not only those who were involved in the incidents, but to their families, as well as to the local communities. They deserve the truth. Not gaslighting, race-baiting, or blaming guns, nor rioting, looting, or any of the other usual responses that we get from politicians and activists when tragedy strikes.

This brings me back to Fox News host Lawrence Jones. In his Thursday night commentary, he got right to the heart of the issue regarding crime in blue cities. He also touched on the policing challenges they faced, vigilantism, and the mental health crisis. And how Democrats are only “caring” about Neely now that he is gone, but ignore the powder keg that was blown up during their time in power.

Jones noted that “They don’t care” about other deaths in progressive cities.


The points raised by Jones echoed those made by actor/podcaster Clifton Duncan who pointed out correctly in the tweet below that Neely’s death occurred “in a town that embodies” Democrat value, something the AOCs or Hochuls of America wouldn’t dare to examine too closely because they might have to consider that what they advocate is what leads to situations like what happened on the F train Monday.

Nope. Because as Jones suggested, only certain lives matter to Democats, specifically those they can and will shamelessly exploit for political gain.