A Homeless Man Haunts Woman’s Front Porch


Shacola Thompson noticed graffiti on her front yard after returning from a recent trip. A homeowner discovered that a homeless man was camping on her front porch after she checked her Ring history.

Thompson has had to deal with the ghostly vagrant since then. He would come and go without warning. One time, Thompson was shocked to discover the man on her porch when she went out to work early one morning. Over the last month, she’s had at least 10 visits.

Thompson stated that Thompson was bothered that someone would have the nerve to go to bed on another’s property. Thompson spoke to KCAL 9 in Los Angeles.

Her doorbell camera detected the presence of a creepy porch squatter on Thursday just before dawn. Thompson called the police and they came to her home to remove him. He returned shortly before noon and she had to call the police again. An officer asked him if he was a resident there. He couldn’t produce the house key so the officer advised him to get away and warned him that he would be sent to jail if he got another call today.

Thompson stated that she would love to see Van Nuys’ neighborhood “cleaned up.” “I want the police to take real action.”

KCAL reporter was shown a burn mark on one of her chair cushions. “Right there, you can see it’s a big burn mark from where he was smoking.” She also pointed to graffiti on her wall.

“When I go out and sit down outside, I don’t need to worry about if somebody’s coming around the corner Could they possibly hurt me?”

Thompson, who is single, spoke with local news KTLA. She stated that she doesn’t feel safe coming out to the area and trying to drink coffee or do yoga. He was able to get up on my rug, so I had to do it. But he didn’t want to lie here. She said that she hopes the LAPD would do their job and remove this person from this area. You should take him to an evaluation center.

The woman became frustrated and contacted her homeowner’s association. She advised them to warn her neighbors and ask if anyone had seen the vagrant. She spoke to KABC and said, “I am concerned about my safety.”

Thompson is disappointed that the police have not done more to stop Thompson from having to return to her house. Thompson worries that he might become violent.

Thompson expressed concern about the police, saying that she felt like Thompson was not being taken seriously. They don’t take my safety seriously. I live here. I’m alone.”

She said, “He could try to enter my home by bogarting me and hurting me, this is unfair.”

Thompson is correct: It’s not fair. A property owner shouldn’t live in fear of the mentally-ill vagrant who lives on her porch. He shouldn’t be able to vandalize the beautiful furnishings she owns when she is away for a few days. She shouldn’t be worried about hearing strange noises at night and wondering if someone is trying to break into her house.

California is among the worst blue states that are run by pro-crime-and-disorder Leftists. The American Left’s garbage institutions are busy making several generations of irresponsible socialists and creating an ever-increasing number of unstable vagrants who do not respect property rights. The tribulations of Ms. Thompson are so predictable that they’re almost boring under these conditions, and we can expect more unless something changes.