Big Tech’s Censorship Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds


After years of Big Tech censoring conservatives and enforcing Chinese COVID-19 lies and colluding to advance leftist narratives, Carl Szabo, Big Tech lobbyist, published a recent opinion piece criticizing the federal government’s censorship of conservatives. This op-ed by Szabo is even more hypocritical considering that Big Tech has attempted to gaslight Americans many times on its broad-reaching censorship agenda.

Szabo stated in his opinion piece that the federal government “coerced Twitter executives to censor content.” As if Twitter hadn’t fully embraced the Biden administration in doing so.

“Because the Twitter files,” Szabo wrote. “We’ve learned that agencies that we trust like FBI and FDA as well as the White House blocked discussion of Hunter Biden’s laptop, promoted Russia collusion hoax, and blacklisted a Stanford doctor who warned that COVID lockdowns could harm children. These actions can have severe consequences for individuals and society in general.

Really? Big Tech has never suppressed or censored elected officials, university professors, and medical doctors on their platforms, independent of government coercion.

It wasn’t the FBI, or anyone else, who de-platformed these experts and blocked political speech. It was Big Tech. Twitter Files exposed Big Tech’s multifaceted unilateral action in censoring conservatives years before, and often without any federal assistance. Big Tech is now being exposed. The corporate lobbyists for Big Tech are trying to convince us that they were simply victims of the federal government’s strong-arming. They want us believe that they had no intention of censoring conservative speech or any other speech. This notion is absurd and counterfactual.

Now, we have Big Tech and the Federal Government as our co-conspirators. They are trying to avoid any culpability by blaming one another for their respective transgressions. It is illegal for the federal government to restrict free speech. Instead, it says it “suggested” certain censorship actions that Big Tech would pursue. Big Tech says it didn’t want to censor conservatives, but only because the federal government forced them to. Both lie. Both are lying.

This is not the first time Big Tech has voiced its opinion on its censorship against conservatives. In legislative hearings over the past two years, Big Tech lobbyists have repeatedly stated that Big Tech has never targeted conservatives and that legislators do not have any right or reason to limit Big Tech’s censorship activities. Big Tech’s corporate lobbyists went so low as to ridicule citizens who attended public hearings to share their stories of being censored. On July 12, 2021, an elderly citizen in Texas testified that Facebook had removed her objection to a wind energy project within a Texas nature preserve. Two days later, a Big Tech lobbyist slandered the senior citizen in a public forum. He claimed that she and other Texans who spoke out against Facebook censorship were “antivaxxers” who wanted to make sure that Facebook, Twitter and Google had lots of information about vaccine dangers. The public slander is not being retracted.

Big Tech began a new scam after vehemently resisting government action to define and protect online free expression rights. Big Tech released a series last year of ads urging the public to not blame them for their censorship activities. Big Tech claimed that censorship decisions are difficult and that they need more government regulations. However, the government will not enact such regulations. Big Tech wants us to believe that their passionate testimony against censorship in Texas and elsewhere has never been heard.

Szabo claimed that conservatives should be concerned about government involvement in speech platforms. Szabo wrote, “Revelations that our government tried to suppress speech it did not like should alarm all Americans”, but he and his boss repeatedly stated that conservatives should trust the Biden administration’s ability to create and moderate any free speech websites online.

Big Tech might be trying to save its face after it was caught censoring speech of Americans, but its words and actions are incriminating them.