California Cities Ban New Gas Stations to Fight Climate Change


California’s relentless fight against climate change is not only a spectacle to behold, but so is the not-so Golden State’s maniacal drive for illegal aliens to be imported as much as possible. It’s a foolish sight, but it is a beautiful sight.

Let’s try a hypothetical problem-solving exercise.

Here’s the situation: Gas prices have continued to rise throughout Joe Biden’s presidency. Joe tried to blame Russia’s Vladimir Putin first, and then hysterically tried the Republican Party to take the blame. But I digress.

Let’s say your state has one of the highest pump prices in America, at an average cost of $6 for regular gasoline. For a laugh, add the fact that your state has the second-highest state gas tax rate at $.0539 per gallon, just behind Pennsylvania. As their lives and finances are being strained, your citizens shout “Do something!”

The question is: What do I do?

Answer: If you are a growing number of cities in California, ban new gas stations as part of your heroic struggle against “climate changes” — also known as “The existential danger to mankind.”

How did California’s latest display begin? According to The Los Angeles Times, Monday’s story reveals that local officials in a small Sonoma County town began to question the approval process of a new gas station. They then stopped its development and all future developments. What if that doesn’t sound like not-so–golden?

D’Lynda Fischer (Petaluma, California) was the councilwoman who led the 2021 effort to ban new gas stations within the city of 60,000. She was completely clueless about what had happened or why.

We didn’t even know what we were doing. We didn’t realize we were the first to ban gas stations in the world.

Well, duh!

It’s not as if this was the first time that a bunch of clueless Democrats leaped all over an idiotic idea, like a blind squirrel on an Acorn, to search for an equally-idiotic cause. Only to be later smacked by real life.

Bloomberg reported in May that California’s $19 million carbon market initiative failed to curb carbon emissions, as officials had hoped. It has little, if any, impact on greenhouse gasses. It’s not about the results, Planet Looney Tunes says, but it’s all about intent. Foolish or not.

The Times noted that four other Bay Area cities have adopted Petaluma’s decision. Now, leaders in Southern California, the most car-centric city in the state, are looking to adopt the “climate-conscious” (lunatic).

In fact, just weeks after Californians in 2020 suffered from rolling blackouts because of a shortage of wind and sun power, Gavin Newsom, California’s nuts governor, announced that California would ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035 and only allow electric vehicles to be sold.

What could go wrong?

Nevertheless, it is possible to stop the existential threat against mankind from being stopped in its tracks.