California Governor Fines School District $1.5 Million for Censoring Gay Rights Activist


Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom has followed through with his threats to fine Temecula Valley Unified Schools District (TVUSD) and launched his next cultural war attack on conservative board members that rejected textbooks endorsed by the state which mention gay rights activist Harvey Milk.

Newsom, in a Wednesday statement, said that the three political activists who sit on the school board “have yet again demonstrated they are more interested in breaking the law than in doing their jobs as educators of students.” The state would then do the job for them.

California will make sure that students in Temecula have access to materials approved by parents and teachers from across the district at the start of the school year. The state will then deliver a bill, along with a fine of $1.5 million, to the Temecula school board, for their decision to violate the law and subvert parents’ wishes by forcing children to use dated textbooks from 17 years ago.

Newsom warned that if the board members refused to approve the shipment, they would be fined $1.5 million.

In a video posted on the 13th of July, the prominent Democrat stated that the state was “stepping in” so as to make sure the students of the district received the same material as other California schools. He also called board members “extremists” for refusing to bend.

We’re going to buy the book for them — the one that thousands of children are already using. “If these extremist members of the school board won’t do their jobs, we will – and fine them for incompetence,” he said.

After Newsom’s comments, the board stayed true to its guns and rejected the content on Tuesday with a 3-2 majoritarian vote.

In a statement released by Newsom’s Office on Wednesday, the office attacked the board for exposing students to outdated material — specifically a book published in 2006. He had accused the board in the past of “censoring” a book.

In a written statement, Dr. Joseph Komrosky (President of the TVUSD Board of Education) rebutted Newsom’s allegations, stating that the board had not banned the book but rather chose to not adopt the new material recommended by the state.

He said, “It’s unfortunate that Governor Newsom, and others, have mischaracterized what happened, and why, and not just what occurred,” in part. He reiterated that he was not speaking on behalf of the board.

Komrosky had previously attracted the attention of the Governor after he called Milk a “pedophile.” Newsom replied by tweeting “An offensive comment from an ignorant individual.” This is not Texas or Florida. Our kids are free to learn in the Golden State. Congratulations Mr. Komrosky, you’ve got our attention. “Stay tuned.”

“I never intended to insult anyone. I always wanted to lead with civility. My choice of words is based on the facts presented by Mr. Milk, and I do not believe that those facts are an example our children should learn in elementary school,” Komrosky responded to the tweet.

The statement released by Newsom’s Office on Wednesday noted that Newsom would work with the State’s Legislature and Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond “to enact legislation imposing fines on any district failing to provide adequate instruction materials.”

The textbook’s opponents argue that homosexuality and sex should not be included in the materials used for elementary students. This argument is being heard in many school districts in the United States, as they continue to teach LGBTQ+ material in the classroom.

Milk was the first openly gay person to win an election here in San Francisco. CNN reported that the late California lawmaker had an affair with a boy aged 16 while he was living in New York during his 30s. At the time, consent was 14 in the Empire State.

Newsom’s office and the TVUSD for additional comments but did not receive a response immediately. Newsom’s Office and TVUSD for further comment, but we did not receive a response immediately.