Capitol Police Discover Bag of Cocaine in Washington, DC Headquarters’ Busy Hallway


U.S. Capitol Police reported that a small amount of cocaine had been found in the hallway of their headquarters, which was “heavily used”.

A press release issued by the agency on Wednesday stated that a bag measuring approximately one inch by one inch and containing a “white powdery material” had been found at the USCP headquarters in Washington D.C. around 1 pm.

The USCP stated that the substance tested positive for cocaine.

The cocaine was discovered on the second floor of the USCP headquarters, in an area used to store furniture and supplies.


USCP stated that the hallway area is frequented by contractors and employees, and is near the Prisoner Processing Office, Crime Scene, Intel, and Reports Processing offices.

USCP reported that an officer discovered the bag “in middle of the floor”, and immediately reported the incident to a supervisor.

The USCP has announced that it will open an investigation, and test the residue and DNA of the bag.

USCP has not responded to our comment request immediately.