The mainstream media journalists are expected to be strong-minded supporters of the First Amendment. This is especially true considering their work, second only to elected officials. They are supposed to understand that freedom to speak is an essential component of a functioning society in which everyone has a voice.
The last ten years have been a “words and violence” era for the far-left and their complicit enablers in MSM. Threats of economic boycotts against states that don’t follow the “woke” line and cancellation culture for individuals have become important weapons in their arsenals to defeat their political opponents. These officials are behind the much more dangerous tactic of federal presidents using various departments to their advantage or creating new ones, specifically to quell dissent. This practice dates back many decades.
We turn now to a recent MSDNC rant by Chuck Todd, a loyal Democratic apologist, who hosts the Sunday “Meet the Press Daily” program. Todd was visibly upset about Saturday’s horrific massacre in Buffalo that left ten people dead and three others injured in a racist attack.
Todd blasted Republicans in a conversation with Garret Haake (D.C. correspondent). He claimed that Republicans were impediments to getting meaningful things done that could prevent the next mass shooting by a racist. Todd claimed that Republicans opposed Joe Biden’s nakedly political Ministry of Truth, invoking freedom of expression was some kind of code they were trying to send to white supremacists. Todd also said that the GOP had been “appeasing” them for a while.
Garrett, take a look at how the right tried to weaponize this idea that DHS was going essentially to try and monitor hateful speech, right? They want it to appear as if it is some kind of Big Brother. It’s almost like the right is doing this to appease white supremacist movements by saying “hey, do not touch speech.”
MSNBC’s Chuck Todd: “Look at the way the right try to weaponize the idea that DHS was going to … attempt to monitor hateful rhetoric … this is always what the right does to appease the white supremacist movement — by saying, ‘hey, free speech.'”
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) May 17, 2022
Tucker Carlson made an excellent point Monday regarding the left/media trying to blame him for the Buffalo massacre. It needs to be reiterated here given the Democrats’ increased efforts to suppress dissent.
Democrats will always seek out and demand ways to punish hate speech after such events. This includes speech they consider “hateful”, but which is most often nothing more than legitimate disagreements about Democratic policies and politicians. Sometimes they don’t wait for such tragedies.
Ex-President Barack Obama used the IRS to attack conservative groups because they were openly critical of his big-government agenda, which included Obamacare. Instead of investigating their actions, they sought to discredit Obama’s critics. “Racism” was the card most used by the MSM, not because Obama’s critics were lying or racist, but because the media loves to cover for Democrats when they are bad.
Obama called for a new tone after the Gabby Giffords shooting in Arizona. This was code for “Republicans shut down while we pass our agenda.” Some even suggested that they should stop using terms such as “bullseye” or “crosshairs” in their political reporting.
Yet Maxine Waters, along with other powerful Democrats, can call for an aggressive, confrontational reaction to Republicans. However, these same people in government and media, who are so concerned about what “incendiary language” might lead to, just look the other direction.
Why? These things are always one-way roads for the left. They believe it’s perfectly appropriate to cancel their political opposition and use the federal government as a means to silence them if it means that they can further their agenda.
Republicans and Democrats have a major difference in their views on free speech. Republicans will fight for the freedom of speech for everyone, even those they find offensive. Democrats don’t want any words that could distract from their agenda. They call speech that is contrary to their narratives “offensive speech” that must be monitored and controlled by the government.
Chuck Todd interprets this as a coded message from conservatives to white nationalists. This just goes to show how desperate he is and other media professionals have become as culture war losses mount and the writing on the wall about the 2022 midterms gets more clear.
Only the Democrats in the House of Representatives and Senate are the “minorities” that the media is trying to save in this country. They are likely to be the minority party after the fall elections. Next time Chuck Todd and other “journalists,” complain about Republicans’ inability to protect free speech, remember that.