Classmate Laughs at Medical Students Pronoun Button, She Gets Revenge by Missing His Vein


Awoke fourth-year medical student at the Wake Forest School of Medicine purposely “missed” a patient’s vein when he giggled at the student’s “she/her” pronoun pin. Kychelle Del Rosario called herself K. Del and then went on to brag about it on social media.

I had a patient on whom I was drawing blood. He laughed loudly at my “She/Her” pronoun pin, saying “She/Her”? Of course, Do you know any other pronouns?” He said. “It,” so I missed his vein on purpose.

The Hippocratic oath from 245 AD does not contain the phrase “First do no damage.” Bolshie de Rosario deleted her Twitter account shortly thereafter. She also tweeted once and it appears that she is a pro-trans activist.

“For all those doctors who say “I don’t care if pronouns” or “it’s too hard to remember, here’s the facts” She retweeted “facts about trans people’s suicide rates if their preferred pronouns are used.”

Del Rosario is a medical professional, and should be able to understand that transgender people are suffering from “gender Dysphoria.” The suicide rate is 32% to 50% higher among transgender people.

This was written for the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship website by a Nurse Ratchet wannabe. I can now trust doctors and advocate for transgender individuals.

Wake Forest School of Medicine took the easy route of least resistance when dealing with Dr. Jekyll. They tweeted the following

These actions taken by a student via social media are not reflective of the high quality of Wake Forest University School of Medicine’s care. These values are actively promoted among providers and learners.

Del Rosario’s Facebook page shockingly supported BLM. Of course, she did. More importantly, no one seems to know what action, if any, will be taken against Del Rosario’s perky personality.