Climate Change Accelerating Brain Infections, Claims UK Outlet The Telegraph


The Telegraph, a British newspaper, recently published an article that claimed climate change is increasing the spread of a Japanese brain infection through increased mosquito breeding.

According to the journalist, the Japanese Encephalitis virus which affects up to 68,000 people each year has seen an increase in cases due to climate change. This is because more stagnant water is becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes that spread the infection throughout Asia.

According to the article, JEV is increasing in Northeast India due to intensifying monsoon season and storms – a result of climate change.

Experts also claim that the rise in global temperatures has caused a reduction in the life cycle of mosquitoes. This means that the insects breed faster.

According to the author, JEV is not the only result of climate change. Dengue fever is also a consequence. She writes that the number of cases will increase as climate change worsens. She also notes that dengue fever will continue to be a problem come winter because of “unplanned urbanization,” deforestation, and rapid population movements.

The Climate Tracker Fellowship is a grant program that allows young journalists to write about climate change. It promises two national media stories and helps journalists “develop core thematic and journalistic understandings of the issues.”

Climate Tracker, a non-profit organization, has stated its goal to pay and train young people to be climate journalists. The website states, “Support and train climate journalists globally”.

Some of the core values are “diversity” and “equality”, which promise equal pay for all employees regardless of their location. All of our team members receive the same salary regardless of where they are located. All journalism fellows are paid the same. Benefits can be customized based on the needs of our team members. It explains that when one person succeeds, all of us succeed.”

Chris Wright, the founder of the organization, claims he has “worked with climate change” since 2010. He blames bushfires caused by fossil fuel companies for the destruction of his family’s farm.

Wright also wrote a 2021 article titled “2030 just become the new 2050” and praised Joe Biden’s climate platform. He stated that a 2050 goal was a “far away horizon of hope,” as we continue to drift into hopelessness, under Donald Trump’s years.

Wright also wrote the article “Why we should support #BlackLivesMatter” in June 2020.