Eric Swalwell’s Pro-Abortion Ad Presents Lurid Leftist Fantasy That’s Really Happening to Pro-Lifers


Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Fang Fang, unveiled Monday a new demagogic campaign video designed to increase Leftist hysteria over the overturning of Roe v. Wade as well as the possibility of some states banning abortion. Swalwell captioned his video, “MAGA Republicans want women to be arrested for having an abort.” That is how it looks. #LockHerUp”

This is a way for the Left to fantasize about the “radical right”, and the rise in “fascism.” But Mary Margaret Olohan, Daily Signal reporter, pointed out that “this has never happened.” This is how it appears when the Biden DOJ arrives at the house of a pro-life activist and arrests the father in front of his screaming children. It has happened many times before.” Swalwell’s appeal for abortion is exactly the opposite of what’s actually happening in America right now and ignores Swalwell and his fellow conspirators.

The video by Swalwell is the epitome of psychological manipulation. The video begins with a father feeding his baby at the dinner table while a piano mumble is in the background. The baby’s older sister, aged eight at the time, exasperates Dad by making num-num sounds to encourage him to eat. Mom is full of affection and agrees with Dad: “He’s weird.” But cute.” The husband looks up from his baby-feeding duties and says, “Awww.” The couple then kiss as the girl, obviously delighted and intrigued, continues her show by saying, “Gross!”

Subtext: Women who have had an abortion are just like us. They’re normal, healthy, happy, and un-enraged. They are just like you or me. Or, rather, Ozzie and Harriet. They’re kind, loving, kind, and family-oriented. Do you see all those obese women with unnatural hair colors and offensive slogans on their T-shirts? They are not the face of abortion. The real face of abortion looks just like yours.

It is pure propaganda. This idyllic scene is suddenly interrupted by loud, insistent knocks at the door and blue-and-red flashing light shining through the curtains. Hubby asks “What the heck?” This is not in keeping with the Father Knows-Best vibe but it is a moment of crisis. The wife opens the door and reveals two solemn police officers who may as well be holding “Defund The Police” signs.

One of them said: “Mary Anderson?” One of them said: “Mary Anderson?” Your medical records have been subpoenaed and Dr. Lander is already in custody.” Wife sighs, “You can’t just–” The cop continues to be unperturbed, “You will need to submit to an examination.”

All hell breaks loose at that point. The husband turns to the police, saying that “No one is touching my wife!” The cops draw their guns and command him to return. Children scream in terror when the cops tell the woman to turn around and place her hands behind her back. The cop says, “We’re just trying to enforce the law here.” As the screen goes black, we see “Elections Have Consequences” along with an appeal to voters to spare Moloch. The woman at the back of the cop car is still visible, murmuring “Please don’t do that!”

It is terrifying. It’s fiction, however. This has never happened, Olohan said. Furthermore, no Republican or major pro-life advocate has ever called for the arrest of women who have had an abortion. However, Mark Houck, a pro-life activist, was arrested by Old Joe Biden’s corrupt FBI in a situation that was much more frightening than that depicted in Swalwell’s video.

We reported that the feds conducted a SWAT raid at the family home at 7:05 a.m. Ryan-Marie, Houck’s wife, said that there were between 25-30 agents in 15 vehicles. They set up a perimeter around the house, with their rifles in firing positions, and then began yelling at us to open the doors.

To emphasize that Houck’s action wasn’t isolated, the FBI conducted a similar raid on Chester Gallagher, a pro-life activist of 73 years, the week after. Eric Swalwell must have condemned the raids on Houck, and Gallagher if he is concerned about federal overreach. Of course, he didn’t. His concern is that the Left’s agenda continues to be promoted, including its support for abortion with no restrictions. His concern about unjustifiable raids on loving, peaceful families ends where the Leftist agenda starts.