Explosive Revelation: Pecker Claims Trump Imposed $1M Penalty Every Time Stormy Mentioned His Name


David Pecker is the former CEO of American Media Inc.

A Wall Street Journal article dated Jan. 12, 2018, revealed that Michael Cohen had paid Daniels for her silence. Evidence was presented “not to prove the truth but just to prove that it was published on that date”.

Steinglass brought Pecker’s memory of an interview between Karen McDougal, Anderson Cooper and Pecker to mind. The interview took place on March 18, 2021.

Pecker claims that Trump called him the day after his interview.

“Didn’t you watch the interview with Anderson Cooper and Karen McDougal last night?” Pecker remembered Trump saying, “I thought we agreed that she couldn’t do any TV shows or give interviews.”

Pecker told Trump that he had amended the agreement to allow Pecker to speak with the media.

Pecker said that Trump was upset.

Pecker mentioned another phone call between Trump and Hope Hicks, as well as Sarah Huckabee Sanders. He said he would extend Karen’s employment contract because she had not met some of her obligations.

Trump allegedly told him that it was a terrible idea, but told him later, “It is your business. Do whatever you intend to do.”

McDougal sued AMI in March 2018 and asked to be released from the NDA. The lawsuit was settled. Pecker told Cohen that he had thought the lawsuit was a bad one when he first discussed it with him. Pecker still told Cohen that he didn’t want to pursue the lawsuit and that he was returning McDougal’s rights.

Pecker told Cohen that he also planned to sell the rights back because McDougal had been upset.

Pecker also admitted that he had watched the Anderson Cooper interview with Stormy Daniels while he was on the witness stand. Trump then called Pecker and asked him if he had seen the interview.

Pecker claimed Trump had said: “We have a contract with Stormy, that she can’t mention my name or say anything similar.” “Any time she breaks the agreement, there’s a penalty of $1 million.” According to that interview, the woman owes her $24 million.