Fed-Up Cities Pass Laws to Crack Down on Organized Retail Theft


Several cities have passed their own laws to combat a nationwide epidemic of organized thefts that has led to the closure of some retail stores.

Two thieves, caught on camera at the King Soopers supermarket in Brighton, Colorado on Monday, loaded up a cart with high-priced items and detergent before fleeing.

A security guard and a bystander attempt to stop the couple. However, a black man fights back. They escape after throwing all their illegal goods into a vehicle.

The male allegedly held a screwdriver in his hand and said, “You will have to shoot me if you don’t give me my things.” “I’ll stab at you if you do not give me my things.”

CBS News reported that these types of crimes are forcing local legislators to pass laws strengthening the response by law enforcement to such robberies.

Aurora’s Mayor Mike Coffman said, “The situation has gotten out of hand.” The city of Aurora has passed an ordinance that would jail people for three days if found guilty of stealing over $300 worth of merchandise.

Coffman said that there was a growing anger over the matter. “And the feeling is that they are not only stealing in the store but they are stealing everywhere.”

He continued to say that he was responding to the state legislature’s decision to reduce the penalties for theft.

Coffman said that when someone is a habitual criminal, they do not create new victims. They don’t steal from our shops.

He added, “The message is ‘Aurora has had enough’.” “Aurora will be tough on crime.”

Property crime has decreased by 13.9% in the city compared to the same period last year.

A new law in Westminster will target crimes involving cars, such as joyriding, racing on the street, and catalytic convert theft.

David DeMott is the Mayor Pro tem for the city. He said, “We will hold you accountable if you break the law in Westminster.” He claimed that the new law is a result of weakened legislative resolve.

Police said that they arrested Zola Diandwakila (20 years old) after she was pulled over in a stolen vehicle. Diandwakila received a $5,000 bond for the stolen merchandise, which was valued at about $600. The police are still trying to identify the woman who was involved in the robbery.

CBS Colorado’s local news: