Greg Gutfeld Points Out How the Media Is Making DeSantis the New Trump


Greg Gutfeld, Fox News host, and reigning king late-night comedian noticed an interesting trend in the leftist media.

You’ve seen for years how the left has demonized Donald Trump until it was absurd. People called it white supremacist signaling because he couldn’t even sneeze. It didn’t matter how he interacted with any world leader. He was always disastrous. There was no movement that he made without enemies that would immediately lead to war.

It seems like the media is starting to change their tune on Trump. Or at least they don’t believe he’s as bad or as dangerous as the ones coming down the pipe. Gutfeld pointed out in his monologue Tuesday night that the media now has a Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who qualifies for the next “worse than Hitler” category.

According to media reports, DeSantis just happens to be smarter than Trump and is therefore more dangerous.

Gutfeld of DeSantis said that “this monster flew illegal immigrants into a rich paradise on private jets.” “I know, that’s an (expletive).”

Gutfeld quoted DeSantis as “more rigid and nimbler than the real Donald Trump” in a New York Times article. Gutfeld was referring to DeSantis’ “manner and more rigid” quote.

Gutfeld said, “He’s so mean that the country’s half-million people are moving to his damn state.”

Gutfeld continued by noting that every Republican who ran for president was given this treatment, even those Republicans Democrats consider great. This includes George W. Bush and Mitt Romney. Mitch McCain was also included, which the left tried to portray as neo-Hitlers.

DeSantis is now a significant threat and the leftist media attempts to push DeSantis to the status currently held by Trump of the worst of the worst. This position was once held by Bush, Romney, McCain, and McCain.

It is not difficult to predict the media’s strategy. They are beginning to believe that DeSantis may be a greater threat than Trump in the upcoming elections. His actions are helping Republicans gain momentum. If he continues to keep up his pace, then DeSantis will be a formidable force that could challenge or defeat Trump by 2024.

They know that DeSantis will easily outrun any Democratic candidate against him. It is interesting to note that the New York Times would prefer Trump running to DeSantis. Why not? It’s not surprising that they spent so much time inculcating hatred against Trump among the population. It would be a lot more time and effort to do the same for DeSantis, especially since he’s making moves that please most of the public.

If this is true, you can expect DeSantis’ attacks to become more absurd very quickly.