Kamala Harris Stumbles with Shocking Response on Biden’s Ability to Serve


The question I most wanted to ask Vice President Kamala Harris during her CNN interview – but I didn’t think anyone would – was about her staunch defense for President Joe Biden following his disastrous debate performance in June.

In a heated exchange with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Harris reduced the debate to a single bad night in three-and-a-half years.

She told Cooper that the Joe Biden she worked with each day was someone who had performed in such a manner that he brought people to the Oval Office – Republicans and Democrats – for them to compromise. This is unusual these days.

Harris has never wavered in her public support for Biden, even when Democrats called on him to withdraw in July, including that infamous moment in which Nancy Pelosi, the former House Speaker, refused to state whether she supported Biden remaining in the race. She also minimized his debate performance, often calling it just one bad evening, best ignored because Orange Man Bad.

She had the chance to pivot on Thursday and be more honest in her defense of Biden since it was his performance at the debate that shamingly forced him to withdraw.

She did not and she was not. She said that she has no regrets.

The CNN transcript:

BASH: Vice-President Harris, right after the debate you were a staunch supporter of President Biden being able to serve for another four years. You said that President Biden was extraordinarily strong. Do you regret what you said to the American people now?

No, not at all. I’ve been working with President Biden now for nearly four years. It’s truly one of the biggest honors in my career. He is so concerned about the American people. He is smart, and he is loyal to the American People. I’ve spent many hours with him in the Situation Room or Oval Office. He has the intelligence and commitment that the American people deserve, as well as the disposition and judgment.


This was, in my opinion, the most disqualifying answer. The whole reason she’s in this position is that a majority of Democrat leaders and movers on Capitol Hill, Hollywood elitists, and the Obamas were horrified by what Biden’s performance at the debate revealed about his mental acuity, frailty, and lack of coherency.

Kamala Harris will not come out and declare Joe Biden unfit for another four years of office, especially since she was the recipient of his announcement and endorsement. To pretend that Biden was a model for strength, leadership, and intestinal fortitude from Day One is absurd. Does anyone else believe this anymore, other than Jill Biden?

Kamala Harris is not a worthy candidate for president. But her refusal to tell the truth to the American public about Joe Biden’s health may be the most important. She could have said it in a manner that was respectful to her boss, but still made the point and did not make her appear like a complete tool and shill.

But she didn’t. I guess that she would have revealed her complicity with the sham and a troublesome cover-up.

Kamala Harris always puts her ambitions and political interests before the country. Let’s hope that the American public learned at least this much about her in the CNN interview.