Kamala Harris Flip-Flops on Fracking During CNN Interview, Struggles to Justify Her Reversal


Kamala Harris, the Democrat Vice-President nominee, and Tim Walz (the MN Governor) and her “White Man Taco VP running mate” made their grand debut on CNN.

Some X commenters called it a softball, but they were wrong. It was a visit to a spa. If Dana Bash decides to stop being a journalist, she can turn her massage experience into a career.

The 16-minute exclusive was filled with plenty of gaslighting and dodging. The network cut up the chatfest and added a lot of video to accompany it so the show lasted approximately 48 minutes. However, the interview only took about 16 minutes.

The film was heavily edited, with Bash’s segues and conclusions. It’s hard to say how many of Walz’s emotional outbursts and Harris’ word salads were cut.

Harris’ abrupt change of heart about fracking was one of the most egregious examples of gaslighting.

In Pennsylvania, a state with a high oil production and Electoral College votes that could determine the winner in November, the vice president’s stance on fracking will be key to her electoral appeal.


When asked if she wanted to ban the practice of fracking still, the Vice President got arrogant:

KAMALA HARRIS: No. On the 2020 debate stage, I said it clearly. That I would never ban fracking. As Vice-President, I did not bang fracking. As president, I would not ban the practice.

Here’s Senator Kamala Harris, in 2020, proudly declaring “There is no doubt I am in favor of banning Fracking” and how she has “a history” in California of working on the issue.


Harris’s position changed between 2020 and 2024. CNN’s Dana Bash, the only journalist to follow up on the evening, asked Harris, “Why have you changed your position?”

Kamala’s famous word salads are served here.


DANA BASH: You stated that you were in favor of banning fracking. Has it changed?

KAMALA HARRIS: I was clear about my position in 2020. Now we are in 2024. I kept my promise.

DANA BASH: Why have you changed your position?

KAMALA HARRIS – Let’s be clear. My values haven’t changed.

Harris went on to say that the residual effects of fracking have been shown not to impact the environment overall and that this was what drove her decision… Harris then reiterated that her values had not changed.

My experience as Vice-President tells me that we can do this without banning fracking.

The truth is: “My values are the same.” Harris repeated this line TWICE in the interview. It shows that Harris will say whatever it takes to appease Pennsylvanians and Americans, and once she has been elected president, she will stick to the values that she has held for decades.

One opinion writer said:

It is a real concern that a future president Harris will push policies that are incompatible with America’s global energy position. We don’t know, as she hasn’t said anything. This needs to be changed, and quickly.

Harris has stood up for her values and has done so unapologetically since the early 1990s. This pretense of recalibration, then, is just another smoke and mirrors Kamala Harris brand rebranding trick.