Lara Trump Reveals RNC’s Election Integrity Division Plans, Unveils Crucial New Hire


Since Ronna McDaniel announced that she would step down as the chair of the Republican National Committee in early December, the most frequently asked question has been, “What will they do about election fraud and ballot integrity?” The second most frequently asked question was “When will they hire Scott Presler?” Lara Trump, the new co-chair, answered these questions on Friday.

Trump, in an appearance on The Benny Show this week, first mentioned the new division for election integrity that she has talked about in a few media interviews and the lawsuit in Michigan to remove inactive voters. Then he got more specific.

The first-ever division for election integrity has been created. It’s an entire wing in the building. How do you go about doing that? You just mentioned a Michigan lawsuit. In 23 states we have 78 lawsuits are being brought to deal with this issue. We want to make voting easier and cheating harder in 2024.

We can now train poll workers. They are not poll watchers who stand at a polling place and look around, hoping to catch a glimpse of something. They are the people who handle the ballots, and count the votes coming in and out so they can know the final numbers.

We are also looking for attorneys to volunteer in every state. We need you at a voting location near you every minute there is a vote going on. This allows us to deal with a problem in real-time. We can’t wait until it is too late.

Once the bad votes have been counted, it is nearly impossible to correct the situation.

It is important to stop cheating as soon as possible, but a more long-term goal is to make the idea of cheating less appealing. Currently, there is almost no risk of engaging in election fraud. This must change. Trump did not give any details on the next step, but we hope that they are working on it.

We must also instill a fear of God among those who will ultimately cheat in this capacity. Do not cheat if you are paid to do so. We will catch you. You will face the full force of law. You will be prosecuted to the hilt. It’s not worthwhile. Don’t do it.

Trump also said that those mainstream/left media reports that the RNC has given up on encouraging early voting and harvesting ballots are false. They’re also ready to partner with them in these efforts.

We also need to think about legal ballot harvesting. This is something that we have never done as a political party. We will start now. Scott Presler is a fantastic voter register. I will be calling him very soon. He’s registered so many voters in this country. He’s amazing. I want him to be part of our legal ballot harvesting department.

Early voting is also important. I’m sure we all want to vote one day in this country. It does not exist at the moment. We need to make sure we have enough votes in the bank before November 5th so that we don’t play catch-up during election day. We must flood the system so that it does not matter how many ballots they drop at 3 am or the number of suitcases full of votes. There will be no doubt on November 5th about Donald Trump being elected 47th President.

Watch Lara’s comments below.

Lara Trump told Johnson that Presler had been one of her first thoughts when she was asked to be the RNC co-chair.

The first person that came to mind when the idea of an RNC was brought up to me is him. If I ever end up in the RNC as co-chair, I would want to bring this guy on board because of what a great job he has done. We want him to be rewarded, and we also want to give more work to him up until the 5th of November.

Presler’s partnership with the RNC is an obvious choice and is yet another sign of a new era at RNC headquarters.