Lee Zeldin Takes Aim at the RNC


Although Rep. Lee Zeldin did not win the New York gubernatorial election, his performance was remarkable considering the state’s political makeup. After four Democrats flipped seats in the Empire State, including Sean Patrick Maloney’s DCCC Chair, Zeldin was credited with helping Republicans regain control of the House.

Rumors began to circulate that Zeldin might be interested in running for the Republican National Committee chairmanship. This position is currently held by Ronna McDaniel, who has publicly stated her intention to run again.

Zeldin has been tweeting a lot about his views on the direction that Republicans should go over the past week, fueling speculation that he is interested. On Thursday, Zeldin confirmed via email with the RNC that he was seriously considering running.

POLITICO first received the email. It stated that the email indicated that he was “very seriously considering” running to lead the party.

In the message, Zeldin stated that it was time for the party to retool and transform, win the Presidency again in 2024, increase our number of Republican-held seats in Congress, and elect as many down-ballot candidates across the country as possible. The Republican Party must be fully involved to save America.

Zeldin sent an email to RNC members stating that “not only should the Republican Party compete within all 50 states and ensure we drive up turnout within their base, but also we need to go out to all communities, no matter what color they may be, show up frequently, build relationships and advance our proposals for education, upward economic mobility and housing, mental and physical health, and safety.” This means that people need to know what we stand behind, not what we oppose.

McDaniel loyalists are certain to stand behind her, but some RNC members have already publicly pledged their support for Zeldin’s candidacy, such as Texas GOP chair Matt Rinaldi.

Given that the red wave was little more than a trickle, I agree with the RNC’s need for new leadership. Even though the House Republicans had a strong showing in 2020 they were unable to win the House.

Why Zeldin is a good choice? He is a loudspeaker, he understands that you shouldn’t back down and has a good sense of humor. Zeldin seems to be able to read the pulse of voters and know what they are most concerned about (in New York it was a crime and the justice system), and he is willing to connect with voters in areas other Republicans would be afraid to.

Although the Senate and House Republicans have stated that they are all for the status quo in their respective chambers, let’s pray that at the RNC’s January winter meeting that there will be a consensus that change is urgently needed and will begin at the top.