Loudoun County Grand Jury Gives Horrific Report on School Rape


Loudon County’s story is an example of something that makes it hard to be angry about politics. Our report said that the Loudon County school boards covered up the rapes and that a boy used the girls’ toilet and dressed as such in 2021.

Surprisingly the liberal prosecutor in the area pursued the father, who was trying to discuss the ordeal at a school board meeting. He was convicted of the two rapes and was given a slap on the wrist.

The special grand jury, which was established to investigate the conduct and corruption of the local officials involved in this scandal, has been released. It is just as shocking as you might think.

Loudoun County’s nine-member panel found that the teacher’s assistant entered the bathroom while the victim in the ninth grade was being sexually assaulted. She was two feet below the door of the stall and did nothing.

It’s hard to believe that a teacher would ignore rapes such as this. I can’t imagine being so cowardly and disconnected.

A teacher’s assistant tried to help, but the school leadership didn’t take their concerns seriously.

At Stone Bridge High School on May 22nd, 2021 a male student wearing a skirt raped a nine-year-old girl. This occurred just before Stone Bridge High School was scheduled to vote on a policy concerning transgender bathroom usage. It also didn’t report an additional assault that took place in a classroom on Oct 6. According to The Daily Wire, even school board members discovered that the same person was responsible for both incidents when they reported the story on Oct 11.

According to the report, her assistant said that the student “came into class more often than once with an arm around a girl’s neck” during the days before the bathroom rape. “I wouldn’t want to be held accountable if this reckless behavior continues. ”

The report states that the school chair was more interested in the teacher’s assistance than the student. The department chair mentioned the email to an assistant principal, who “question[ed] if the author had followed proper protocol” despite it only being 14 days since school had opened due to COVID and that the student had been in trouble multiple times.

You can read between the lines and find out the truth. Although they were certain of everything, the school board continued to enforce the transgender toilet policy.

Grand jury members reported that they would recommend that charges be brought against school board members and school officials if any statutes were available. Unfortunately, many of the worst actors are still in their positions and don’t feel ashamed.

Our society is unhealthy. Many people ignore the rapes of young girls out of fear of offending transgender activists. I don’t know what to do.