Mexico Fires Back at Texas’ Floating Barriers Along Rio Grande


Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Relations, Alicia Barcena, has stated that Mexico sent a message diplomatically to the U.S. government saying that Texas could have violated treaties relating to boundaries and water when it deployed floating barriers along the Rio Grande.

Barcena: According to Associated Press, Mexico will send a team of inspectors to the Rio Grande river border to see if any fence – constructed to discourage illegal immigration – extends into Mexico.

Texas started rolling out new floating barriers in early July. Migrant advocates raised concerns about drowning hazards, while environmentalists questioned the impact of the barriers on rivers.

The AP reported that Barcena also complained about the barbed wire installation in a river aisle near Eagle Pass.

In the photos, it appears that there are a number of inflatable spheres attached to one another and spinning as someone attempts to climb up them.

In a press release, the Texas Governor’s office stated that the inflatable barrier would “prevent illegal crossings” by making it more difficult to cross the Rio Grande to reach Texas.

Abbott said that there is still more work to do to stop the flow of migrants into Texas. The Texas Legislature has allocated $5.1 billion for border security.

In June, Abbott signed six border-security laws to help Texas “hold its line” as more illegal immigrants, weapons, and dangerous drugs pour into Texas from Mexico.

The package contains bills that permit the Texas military to utilize unmanned aircraft for search and retrieval missions. The package also allows U.S. Border Patrol agents who have successfully completed Texas DPS Training to arrest, search and seize at border checks.